Set in a newly envisioned region, Pokémon Infinity is imagined to bring together Pokémon from all generations, offering a rich and diverse ecosystem for trainers to explore. The game would likely feature a blend of classic elements such as gym battles and Pokémon training, along with innovative new gameplay mechanics and storylines, providing a fresh experience for players.
Game: | Pokemon Infinity |
Developer: | Atomic Reactor |
Release Year: | 2022 |
Last Updated: | May (2023) |
Version: | 1.2.5 |
Language: | English |
Type: | Fan-made |
Download Pokemon Infinity ROM
To experience Pokemon Infinity , players must download its ROM. It’s crucial to source the ROM from a reputable website to avoid corrupted files or malware. A compatible emulator is also necessary to play the game on a computer or mobile device:
Game: | Pokemon Infinity |
Developer: | Atomic Reactor |
Release Year: | 2022 |
Last Updated: | May (2023) |
Version: | 1.2.5 |
Language: | English |
Type: | Fan-made |
Pokemon Infinity Pokedex
The Pokédex in Pokemon Infinity is expansive, featuring a wide array of Pokémon from various generations. This diversity allows players to encounter and capture a unique mix of Pokémon not typically found together in the original game.
Dex No. | Pokémon | Type | |||
#001 |
Bulbasaur |
Grass |
Rock |
#002 |
Ivysaur |
Grass |
Rock |
#003 |
Venusaur |
Grass |
Rock |
#004 |
Charmander |
Fire |
Dragon |
#005 |
Charmeleon |
Fire |
Dragon |
#006 |
Charizard |
Fire |
Dragon |
#007 |
Squirtle |
Water |
Water |
#008 |
Wartortle |
Water |
Flying |
#009 |
Blastoise |
Water |
Flying |
#010 |
Caterpie |
Bug |
Bug |
#011 |
Metapod |
Bug |
Bug |
#012 |
Butterfree |
Bug |
Flying |
#013 |
Weedle |
Bug |
Poison |
#014 |
Kakuna |
Bug |
Poison |
#015 |
Beedrill |
Bug |
Poison |
#016 |
Pidgey |
Normal |
Flying |
#017 |
Pidgeotto |
Normal |
Flying |
#018 |
Pidgeot |
Normal |
Flying |
#019 |
Rattata |
Normal |
Normal |
#020 |
Raticate |
Normal |
Normal |
#021 |
Spearow |
Normal |
Flying |
#022 |
Fearow |
Normal |
Flying |
#023 |
Ekans |
Poison |
Poison |
#024 |
Arbok |
Poison |
Poison |
#025 |
Pikachu |
Electric |
Electric |
#026 |
Raichu |
Electric |
Electric |
#027 |
Sandshrew |
Ground |
Ground |
#028 |
Sandslash |
Ground |
Ground |
#029 |
Nidoran♀ |
Poison |
Poison |
#030 |
Nidorina |
Poison |
Poison |
#031 |
Nidoqueen |
Poison |
Ground |
#032 |
Nidoran♂ |
Poison |
Poison |
#033 |
Nidorino |
Poison |
Poison |
#034 |
Nidoking |
Poison |
Ground |
#035 |
Clefairy |
Fairy |
Fairy |
#036 |
Clefable |
Fairy |
Fairy |
#037 |
Vulpix |
Fire |
Fire |
#038 |
Ninetales |
Fire |
Fire |
#039 |
Jigglypuff |
Normal |
Fairy |
#040 |
Wigglytuff |
Normal |
Fairy |
#041 |
Zubat |
Poison |
Flying |
#042 |
Golbat |
Poison |
Flying |
#043 |
Oddish |
Grass |
Poison |
#044 |
Gloom |
Grass |
Poison |
#045 |
Vileplume |
Grass |
Poison |
#046 |
Paras |
Bug |
Grass |
#047 |
Parasect |
Bug |
Grass |
#048 |
Venonat |
Bug |
Poison |
#049 |
Venomoth |
Bug |
Poison |
#050 |
Diglett |
Ground |
Ground |
#051 |
Dugtrio |
Ground |
Ground |
#052 |
Meowth |
Normal |
Normal |
#053 |
Persian |
Normal |
Normal |
#054 |
Psyduck |
Water |
Water |
#055 |
Golduck |
Water |
Water |
#056 |
Mankey |
Fighting |
Fighting |
#057 |
Primeape |
Fighting |
Fighting |
#058 |
Growlithe |
Fire |
Fire |
#059 |
Arcanine |
Fire |
Fire |
#060 |
Poliwag |
Water |
Water |
#061 |
Poliwhirl |
Water |
Water |
#062 |
Poliwrath |
Water |
Fighting |
#063 |
Abra |
Psychic |
Psychic |
#064 |
Kadabra |
Psychic |
Psychic |
#065 |
Alakazam |
Psychic |
Psychic |
#066 |
Machop |
Fighting |
Fighting |
#067 |
Machoke |
Fighting |
Fighting |
#068 |
Machamp |
Fighting |
Fighting |
#069 |
Bellsprout |
Grass |
Poison |
#070 |
Weepinbell |
Grass |
Poison |
#071 |
Victreebel |
Grass |
Poison |
#072 |
Tentacool |
Water |
Poison |
#073 |
Tentacruel |
Water |
Poison |
#074 |
Geodude |
Rock |
Ground |
#075 |
Graveler |
Rock |
Ground |
#076 |
Golem |
Rock |
Ground |
#077 |
Ponyta |
Fire |
Fire |
#078 |
Rapidash |
Fire |
Fire |
#079 |
Slowpoke |
Water |
Psychic |
#080 |
Slowbro |
Water |
Psychic |
#081 |
Magnemite |
Electric |
Steel |
#082 |
Magneton |
Electric |
Steel |
#083 |
Farfetch’d |
Normal |
Flying |
#084 |
Doduo |
Normal |
Flying |
#085 |
Dodrio |
Normal |
Flying |
#086 |
Seel |
Water |
Water |
#087 |
Dewgong |
Water |
Ice |
#088 |
Grimer |
Poison |
Poison |
#089 |
Muk |
Poison |
Poison |
#090 |
Shellder |
Water |
Water |
#091 |
Cloyster |
Water |
Ice |
#092 |
Gastly |
Ghost |
Poison |
#093 |
Haunter |
Ghost |
Poison |
#094 |
Gengar |
Ghost |
Poison |
#095 |
Onix |
Rock |
Ground |
#096 |
Drowzee |
Psychic |
Psychic |
#097 |
Hypno |
Psychic |
Psychic |
#098 |
Krabby |
Water |
Water |
#099 |
Kingler |
Water |
Water |
#100 |
Voltorb |
Electric |
Electric |
#101 |
Electrode |
Electric |
Electric |
#102 |
Exeggcute |
Grass |
Psychic |
#103 |
Exeggutor |
Grass |
Psychic |
#104 |
Cubone |
Ground |
Ground |
#105 |
Marowak |
Ground |
Ground |
#106 |
Hitmonlee |
Fighting |
Fighting |
#107 |
Hitmonchan |
Fighting |
Fighting |
#108 |
Lickitung |
Normal |
Normal |
#109 |
Koffing |
Poison |
Poison |
#110 |
Weezing |
Poison |
Poison |
#111 |
Rhyhorn |
Ground |
Rock |
#112 |
Rhydon |
Ground |
Rock |
#113 |
Chansey |
Normal |
Normal |
#114 |
Tangela |
Grass |
Grass |
#115 |
Kangaskhan |
Normal |
Normal |
#116 |
Horsea |
Water |
Water |
#117 |
Seadra |
Water |
Water |
#118 |
Goldeen |
Water |
Water |
#119 |
Seaking |
Water |
Water |
#120 |
Staryu |
Water |
Water |
#121 |
Starmie |
Water |
Psychic |
#122 |
Mr. Mime |
Psychic |
Fairy |
#123 |
Scyther |
Bug |
Flying |
#124 |
Jynx |
Ice |
Psychic |
#125 |
Electabuzz |
Electric |
Electric |
#126 |
Magmar |
Fire |
Fire |
#127 |
Pinsir |
Bug |
Bug |
#128 |
Tauros |
Normal |
Normal |
#129 |
Magikarp |
Water |
Water |
#130 |
Gyarados |
Water |
Flying |
#131 |
Lapras |
Water |
Ice |
#132 |
Ditto |
Normal |
Normal |
#133 |
Eevee |
Normal |
Normal |
#134 |
Vaporeon |
Water |
Water |
#135 |
Jolteon |
Electric |
Electric |
#136 |
Flareon |
Fire |
Fire |
#137 |
Porygon |
Normal |
Normal |
#138 |
Omanyte |
Rock |
Water |
#139 |
Omastar |
Rock |
Water |
#140 |
Kabuto |
Rock |
Water |
#141 |
Kabutops |
Rock |
Water |
#142 |
Aerodactyl |
Rock |
Flying |
#143 |
Snorlax |
Normal |
Normal |
#144 |
Articuno |
Ice |
Flying |
#145 |
Zapdos |
Electric |
Flying |
#146 |
Moltres |
Fire |
Flying |
#147 |
Dratini |
Dragon |
Dragon |
#148 |
Dragonair |
Dragon |
Dragon |
#149 |
Dragonite |
Dragon |
Flying |
#150 |
Mewtwo |
Psychic |
Psychic |
#151 |
Mew |
Psychic |
Psychic |
#152 |
Chikorita |
Grass |
Grass |
#153 |
Bayleef |
Grass |
Grass |
#154 |
Meganium |
Grass |
Grass |
#155 |
Cyndaquil |
Fire |
Fire |
#156 |
Quilava |
Fire |
Fire |
#157 |
Typhlosion |
Fire |
Fire |
#158 |
Totodile |
Water |
Water |
#159 |
Croconaw |
Water |
Water |
#160 |
Feraligatr |
Water |
Water |
#161 |
Sentret |
Normal |
Normal |
#162 |
Furret |
Normal |
Normal |
#163 |
Hoothoot |
Normal |
Flying |
#164 |
Noctowl |
Normal |
Flying |
#165 |
Ledyba |
Bug |
Flying |
#166 |
Ledian |
Bug |
Flying |
#167 |
Spinarak |
Bug |
Poison |
#168 |
Ariados |
Bug |
Poison |
#169 |
Crobat |
Poison |
Flying |
#170 |
Chinchou |
Water |
Electric |
#171 |
Lanturn |
Water |
Electric |
#172 |
Pichu |
Electric |
Electric |
#173 |
Cleffa |
Fairy |
Fairy |
#174 |
Igglybuff |
Normal |
Fairy |
#175 |
Togepi |
Fairy |
Fairy |
#176 |
Togetic |
Fairy |
Flying |
#177 |
Natu |
Psychic |
Flying |
#178 |
Xatu |
Psychic |
Flying |
#179 |
Mareep |
Electric |
Electric |
#180 |
Flaaffy |
Electric |
Electric |
#181 |
Ampharos |
Electric |
Electric |
#182 |
Bellossom |
Grass |
Grass |
#183 |
Marill |
Water |
Fairy |
#184 |
Azumarill |
Water |
Fairy |
#185 |
Sudowoodo |
Rock |
Rock |
#186 |
Politoed |
Water |
Water |
#187 |
Hoppip |
Grass |
Flying |
#188 |
Skiploom |
Grass |
Flying |
#189 |
Jumpluff |
Grass |
Flying |
#190 |
Aipom |
Normal |
Normal |
#191 |
Sunkern |
Grass |
Grass |
#192 |
Sunflora |
Grass |
Grass |
#193 |
Yanma |
Bug |
Flying |
#194 |
Wooper |
Water |
Ground |
#195 |
Quagsire |
Water |
Ground |
#196 |
Espeon |
Psychic |
Psychic |
#197 |
Umbreon |
Dark |
Dark |
#198 |
Murkrow |
Dark |
Flying |
#199 |
Slowking |
Water |
Psychic |
#200 |
Misdreavus |
Ghost |
Ghost |
#201 |
Unown |
Psychic |
Psychic |
#202 |
Wobbuffet |
Psychic |
Psychic |
#203 |
Girafarig |
Normal |
Psychic |
#204 |
Pineco |
Bug |
Bug |
#205 |
Forretress |
Bug |
Steel |
#206 |
Dunsparce |
Normal |
Normal |
#207 |
Gligar |
Ground |
Flying |
#208 |
Steelix |
Steel |
Ground |
#209 |
Snubbull |
Fairy |
Fairy |
#210 |
Granbull |
Fairy |
Fairy |
#211 |
Qwilfish |
Water |
Poison |
#212 |
Scizor |
Bug |
Steel |
#213 |
Shuckle |
Bug |
Rock |
#214 |
Heracross |
Bug |
Fighting |
#215 |
Sneasel |
Dark |
Ice |
#216 |
Teddiursa |
Normal |
Normal |
#217 |
Ursaring |
Normal |
Normal |
#218 |
Slugma |
Fire |
Fire |
#219 |
Magcargo |
Fire |
Rock |
#220 |
Swinub |
Ice |
Ground |
#221 |
Piloswine |
Ice |
Ground |
#222 |
Corsola |
Water |
Rock |
#223 |
Remoraid |
Water |
Water |
#224 |
Octillery |
Water |
Water |
#225 |
Delibird |
Ice |
Flying |
#226 |
Mantine |
Water |
Flying |
#227 |
Skarmory |
Steel |
Flying |
#228 |
Houndour |
Dark |
Fire |
#229 |
Houndoom |
Dark |
Fire |
#230 |
Kingdra |
Water |
Dragon |
#231 |
Phanpy |
Ground |
Ground |
#232 |
Donphan |
Ground |
Ground |
#233 |
Porygon2 |
Normal |
Normal |
#234 |
Stantler |
Normal |
Normal |
#235 |
Smeargle |
Normal |
Normal |
#236 |
Tyrogue |
Fighting |
Fighting |
#237 |
Hitmontop |
Fighting |
Fighting |
#238 |
Smoochum |
Ice |
Psychic |
#239 |
Elekid |
Electric |
Electric |
#240 |
Magby |
Fire |
Fire |
#241 |
Miltank |
Normal |
Normal |
#242 |
Blissey |
Normal |
Normal |
#243 |
Raikou |
Electric |
Electric |
#244 |
Entei |
Fire |
Fire |
#245 |
Suicune |
Water |
Water |
#246 |
Larvitar |
Rock |
Ground |
#247 |
Pupitar |
Rock |
Ground |
#248 |
Tyranitar |
Rock |
Dark |
#249 |
Lugia |
Psychic |
Flying |
#250 |
Ho-Oh |
Fire |
Flying |
#251 |
Celebi |
Psychic |
Grass |
#252 |
Treecko |
Grass |
Grass |
#253 |
Grovyle |
Grass |
Grass |
#254 |
Sceptile |
Grass |
Grass |
#255 |
Torchic |
Fire |
Fire |
#256 |
Combusken |
Fire |
Fighting |
#257 |
Blaziken |
Fire |
Fighting |
#258 |
Mudkip |
Water |
Water |
#259 |
Marshtomp |
Water |
Ground |
#260 |
Swampert |
Water |
Ground |
#261 |
Poochyena |
Dark |
Dark |
#262 |
Mightyena |
Dark |
Dark |
#263 |
Zigzagoon |
Normal |
Normal |
#264 |
Linoone |
Normal |
Normal |
#265 |
Wurmple |
Bug |
Bug |
#266 |
Silcoon |
Bug |
Bug |
#267 |
Beautifly |
Bug |
Flying |
#268 |
Cascoon |
Bug |
Bug |
#269 |
Dustox |
Bug |
Poison |
#270 |
Lotad |
Water |
Grass |
#271 |
Lombre |
Water |
Grass |
#272 |
Ludicolo |
Water |
Grass |
#273 |
Seedot |
Grass |
Grass |
#274 |
Nuzleaf |
Grass |
Dark |
#275 |
Shiftry |
Grass |
Dark |
#276 |
Taillow |
Normal |
Flying |
#277 |
Swellow |
Normal |
Flying |
#278 |
Wingull |
Water |
Flying |
#279 |
Pelipper |
Water |
Flying |
#280 |
Ralts |
Psychic |
Fairy |
#281 |
Kirlia |
Psychic |
Fairy |
#282 |
Gardevoir |
Psychic |
Fairy |
#283 |
Surskit |
Bug |
Water |
#284 |
Masquerain |
Bug |
Flying |
#285 |
Shroomish |
Grass |
Grass |
#286 |
Breloom |
Grass |
Fighting |
#287 |
Slakoth |
Normal |
Normal |
#288 |
Vigoroth |
Normal |
Normal |
#289 |
Slaking |
Normal |
Normal |
#290 |
Nincada |
Bug |
Ground |
#291 |
Ninjask |
Bug |
Flying |
#292 |
Shedinja |
Bug |
Ghost |
#293 |
Whismur |
Normal |
Normal |
#294 |
Loudred |
Normal |
Normal |
#295 |
Exploud |
Normal |
Normal |
#296 |
Makuhita |
Fighting |
Fighting |
#297 |
Hariyama |
Fighting |
Fighting |
#298 |
Azurill |
Normal |
Fairy |
#299 |
Nosepass |
Rock |
Rock |
#300 |
Skitty |
Normal |
Normal |
#301 |
Delcatty |
Normal |
Normal |
#302 |
Sableye |
Dark |
Ghost |
#303 |
Mawile |
Steel |
Fairy |
#304 |
Aron |
Steel |
Rock |
#305 |
Lairon |
Steel |
Rock |
#306 |
Aggron |
Steel |
Rock |
#307 |
Meditite |
Fighting |
Psychic |
#308 |
Medicham |
Fighting |
Psychic |
#309 |
Electrike |
Electric |
Electric |
#310 |
Manectric |
Electric |
Electric |
#311 |
Plusle |
Electric |
Electric |
#312 |
Minun |
Electric |
Electric |
#313 |
Volbeat |
Bug |
Bug |
#314 |
Illumise |
Bug |
Bug |
#315 |
Roselia |
Grass |
Poison |
#316 |
Gulpin |
Poison |
Poison |
#317 |
Swalot |
Poison |
Poison |
#318 |
Carvanha |
Water |
Dark |
#319 |
Sharpedo |
Water |
Dark |
#320 |
Wailmer |
Water |
Water |
#321 |
Wailord |
Water |
Water |
#322 |
Numel |
Fire |
Ground |
#323 |
Camerupt |
Fire |
Ground |
#324 |
Torkoal |
Fire |
Fire |
#325 |
Spoink |
Psychic |
Psychic |
#326 |
Grumpig |
Psychic |
Psychic |
#327 |
Spinda |
Normal |
Normal |
#328 |
Trapinch |
Ground |
Ground |
#329 |
Vibrava |
Ground |
Dragon |
#330 |
Flygon |
Ground |
Dragon |
#331 |
Cacnea |
Grass |
Grass |
#332 |
Cacturne |
Grass |
Dark |
#333 |
Swablu |
Normal |
Flying |
#334 |
Altaria |
Dragon |
Flying |
#335 |
Zangoose |
Normal |
Normal |
#336 |
Seviper |
Poison |
Poison |
#337 |
Lunatone |
Rock |
Psychic |
#338 |
Solrock |
Rock |
Psychic |
#339 |
Barboach |
Water |
Ground |
#340 |
Whiscash |
Water |
Ground |
#341 |
Corphish |
Water |
Water |
#342 |
Crawdaunt |
Water |
Dark |
#343 |
Baltoy |
Ground |
Psychic |
#344 |
Claydol |
Ground |
Psychic |
#345 |
Lileep |
Rock |
Grass |
#346 |
Cradily |
Rock |
Grass |
#347 |
Anorith |
Rock |
Bug |
#348 |
Armaldo |
Rock |
Bug |
#349 |
Feebas |
Water |
Water |
#350 |
Milotic |
Water |
Water |
#351 |
Castform |
Normal |
Normal |
#352 |
Kecleon |
Normal |
Normal |
#353 |
Shuppet |
Ghost |
Ghost |
#354 |
Banette |
Ghost |
Ghost |
#355 |
Duskull |
Ghost |
Ghost |
#356 |
Dusclops |
Ghost |
Ghost |
#357 |
Tropius |
Grass |
Flying |
#358 |
Chimecho |
Psychic |
Psychic |
#359 |
Absol |
Dark |
Dark |
#360 |
Wynaut |
Psychic |
Psychic |
#361 |
Snorunt |
Ice |
Ice |
#362 |
Glalie |
Ice |
Ice |
#363 |
Spheal |
Ice |
Water |
#364 |
Sealeo |
Ice |
Water |
#365 |
Walrein |
Ice |
Water |
#366 |
Clamperl |
Water |
Water |
#367 |
Huntail |
Water |
Water |
#368 |
Gorebyss |
Water |
Water |
#369 |
Relicanth |
Water |
Rock |
#370 |
Luvdisc |
Water |
Water |
#371 |
Bagon |
Dragon |
Dragon |
#372 |
Shelgon |
Dragon |
Dragon |
#373 |
Salamence |
Dragon |
Flying |
#374 |
Beldum |
Steel |
Psychic |
#375 |
Metang |
Steel |
Psychic |
#376 |
Metagross |
Steel |
Psychic |
#377 |
Regirock |
Rock |
Rock |
#378 |
Regice |
Ice |
Ice |
#379 |
Registeel |
Steel |
Steel |
#380 |
Latias |
Dragon |
Psychic |
#381 |
Latios |
Dragon |
Psychic |
#382 |
Kyogre |
Water |
Water |
#383 |
Groudon |
Ground |
Ground |
#384 |
Rayquaza |
Dragon |
Flying |
#385 |
Jirachi |
Steel |
Psychic |
#386 |
Deoxys |
Psychic |
Psychic |
#387 |
Turtwig |
Grass |
Grass |
#388 |
Grotle |
Grass |
Grass |
#389 |
Torterra |
Grass |
Ground |
#390 |
Chimchar |
Fire |
Fire |
#391 |
Monferno |
Fire |
Fighting |
#392 |
Infernape |
Fire |
Fighting |
#393 |
Piplup |
Water |
Water |
#394 |
Prinplup |
Water |
Water |
#395 |
Empoleon |
Water |
Steel |
#396 |
Starly |
Normal |
Flying |
#397 |
Staravia |
Normal |
Flying |
#398 |
Staraptor |
Normal |
Flying |
#399 |
Bidoof |
Normal |
Normal |
#400 |
Bibarel |
Normal |
Water |
#401 |
Kricketot |
Bug |
Bug |
#402 |
Kricketune |
Bug |
Bug |
#403 |
Shinx |
Electric |
Electric |
#404 |
Luxio |
Electric |
Electric |
#405 |
Luxray |
Electric |
Electric |
#406 |
Budew |
Grass |
Poison |
#407 |
Roserade |
Grass |
Poison |
#408 |
Cranidos |
Rock |
Rock |
#409 |
Rampardos |
Rock |
Rock |
#410 |
Shieldon |
Rock |
Steel |
#411 |
Bastiodon |
Rock |
Steel |
#412 |
Burmy |
Bug |
Bug |
#413 |
Wormadam |
Bug |
Grass |
#414 |
Mothim |
Bug |
Flying |
#415 |
Combee |
Bug |
Flying |
#416 |
Vespiquen |
Bug |
Flying |
#417 |
Pachirisu |
Electric |
Electric |
#418 |
Buizel |
Water |
Water |
#419 |
Floatzel |
Water |
Water |
#420 |
Cherubi |
Grass |
Grass |
#421 |
Cherrim |
Grass |
Grass |
#422 |
Shellos |
Water |
Water |
#423 |
Gastrodon |
Water |
Ground |
#424 |
Ambipom |
Normal |
Normal |
#425 |
Drifloon |
Ghost |
Flying |
#426 |
Drifblim |
Ghost |
Flying |
#427 |
Buneary |
Normal |
Normal |
#428 |
Lopunny |
Normal |
Normal |
#429 |
Mismagius |
Ghost |
Ghost |
#430 |
Honchkrow |
Dark |
Flying |
#431 |
Glameow |
Normal |
Normal |
#432 |
Purugly |
Normal |
Normal |
#433 |
Chingling |
Psychic |
Psychic |
#434 |
Stunky |
Poison |
Dark |
#435 |
Skuntank |
Poison |
Dark |
#436 |
Bronzor |
Steel |
Psychic |
#437 |
Bronzong |
Steel |
Psychic |
#438 |
Bonsly |
Rock |
Rock |
#439 |
Mime Jr. |
Psychic |
Fairy |
#440 |
Happiny |
Normal |
Normal |
#441 |
Chatot |
Normal |
Flying |
#442 |
Spiritomb |
Ghost |
Dark |
#443 |
Gible |
Dragon |
Ground |
#444 |
Gabite |
Dragon |
Ground |
#445 |
Garchomp |
Dragon |
Ground |
#446 |
Munchlax |
Normal |
Normal |
#447 |
Riolu |
Fighting |
Fighting |
#448 |
Lucario |
Fighting |
Steel |
#449 |
Hippopotas |
Ground |
Ground |
#450 |
Hippowdon |
Ground |
Ground |
#451 |
Skorupi |
Poison |
Bug |
#452 |
Drapion |
Poison |
Dark |
#453 |
Croagunk |
Poison |
Fighting |
#454 |
Toxicroak |
Poison |
Fighting |
#455 |
Carnivine |
Grass |
Grass |
#456 |
Finneon |
Water |
Water |
#457 |
Lumineon |
Water |
Water |
#458 |
Mantyke |
Water |
Flying |
#459 |
Snover |
Grass |
Ice |
#460 |
Abomasnow |
Grass |
Ice |
#461 |
Weavile |
Dark |
Ice |
#462 |
Magnezone |
Electric |
Steel |
#463 |
Lickilicky |
Normal |
Normal |
#464 |
Rhyperior |
Ground |
Rock |
#465 |
Tangrowth |
Grass |
Grass |
#466 |
Electivire |
Electric |
Electric |
#467 |
Magmortar |
Fire |
Fire |
#468 |
Togekiss |
Fairy |
Flying |
#469 |
Yanmega |
Bug |
Flying |
#470 |
Leafeon |
Grass |
Grass |
#471 |
Glaceon |
Ice |
Ice |
#472 |
Gliscor |
Ground |
Flying |
#473 |
Mamoswine |
Ice |
Ground |
#474 |
Porygon-Z |
Normal |
Normal |
#475 |
Gallade |
Psychic |
Fighting |
#476 |
Probopass |
Rock |
Steel |
#477 |
Dusknoir |
Ghost |
Ghost |
#478 |
Froslass |
Ice |
Ghost |
#479 |
Rotom |
Electric |
Ghost |
#480 |
Uxie |
Psychic |
Psychic |
#481 |
Mesprit |
Psychic |
Psychic |
#482 |
Azelf |
Psychic |
Psychic |
#483 |
Dialga |
Steel |
Dragon |
#484 |
Palkia |
Water |
Dragon |
#485 |
Heatran |
Fire |
Steel |
#486 |
Regigigas |
Normal |
Normal |
#487 |
Giratina |
Ghost |
Dragon |
#488 |
Cresselia |
Psychic |
Psychic |
#489 |
Phione |
Water |
Water |
#490 |
Manaphy |
Water |
Water |
#491 |
Darkrai |
Dark |
Dark |
#492 |
Shaymin |
Grass |
Grass |
#493 |
Arceus |
Normal |
Normal |
#494 |
Victini |
Psychic |
Fire |
#495 |
Snivy |
Grass |
Grass |
#496 |
Servine |
Grass |
Grass |
#497 |
Serperior |
Grass |
Grass |
#498 |
Tepig |
Fire |
Fire |
#499 |
Pignite |
Fire |
Fighting |
#500 |
Emboar |
Fire |
Fighting |
#501 |
Oshawott |
Water |
Water |
#502 |
Dewott |
Water |
Water |
#503 |
Samurott |
Water |
Water |
#504 |
Patrat |
Normal |
Normal |
#505 |
Watchog |
Normal |
Normal |
#506 |
Lillipup |
Normal |
Normal |
#507 |
Herdier |
Normal |
Normal |
#508 |
Stoutland |
Normal |
Normal |
#509 |
Purrloin |
Dark |
Dark |
#510 |
Liepard |
Dark |
Dark |
#511 |
Pansage |
Grass |
Grass |
#512 |
Simisage |
Grass |
Grass |
#513 |
Pansear |
Fire |
Fire |
#514 |
Simisear |
Fire |
Fire |
#515 |
Panpour |
Water |
Water |
#516 |
Simipour |
Water |
Water |
#517 |
Munna |
Psychic |
Psychic |
#518 |
Musharna |
Psychic |
Psychic |
#519 |
Pidove |
Normal |
Flying |
#520 |
Tranquill |
Normal |
Flying |
#521 |
Unfezant |
Normal |
Flying |
#522 |
Blitzle |
Electric |
Electric |
#523 |
Zebstrika |
Electric |
Electric |
#524 |
Roggenrola |
Rock |
Rock |
#525 |
Boldore |
Rock |
Rock |
#526 |
Gigalith |
Rock |
Rock |
#527 |
Woobat |
Psychic |
Flying |
#528 |
Swoobat |
Psychic |
Flying |
#529 |
Drilbur |
Ground |
Ground |
#530 |
Excadrill |
Ground |
Steel |
#531 |
Audino |
Normal |
Normal |
#532 |
Timburr |
Fighting |
Fighting |
#533 |
Gurdurr |
Fighting |
Fighting |
#534 |
Conkeldurr |
Fighting |
Fighting |
#535 |
Tympole |
Water |
Water |
#536 |
Palpitoad |
Water |
Ground |
#537 |
Seismitoad |
Water |
Ground |
#538 |
Throh |
Fighting |
Fighting |
#539 |
Sawk |
Fighting |
Fighting |
#540 |
Sewaddle |
Bug |
Grass |
#541 |
Swadloon |
Bug |
Grass |
#542 |
Leavanny |
Bug |
Grass |
#543 |
Venipede |
Bug |
Poison |
#544 |
Whirlipede |
Bug |
Poison |
#545 |
Scolipede |
Bug |
Poison |
#546 |
Cottonee |
Grass |
Fairy |
#547 |
Whimsicott |
Grass |
Fairy |
#548 |
Petilil |
Grass |
Grass |
#549 |
Lilligant |
Grass |
Grass |
#550 |
Basculin |
Water |
Water |
#551 |
Sandile |
Ground |
Dark |
#552 |
Krokorok |
Ground |
Dark |
#553 |
Krookodile |
Ground |
Dark |
#554 |
Darumaka |
Fire |
Fire |
#555 |
Darmanitan |
Fire |
Fire |
#556 |
Maractus |
Grass |
Grass |
#557 |
Dwebble |
Bug |
Rock |
#558 |
Crustle |
Bug |
Rock |
#559 |
Scraggy |
Dark |
Fighting |
#560 |
Scrafty |
Dark |
Fighting |
#561 |
Sigilyph |
Psychic |
Flying |
#562 |
Yamask |
Ghost |
Ghost |
#563 |
Cofagrigus |
Ghost |
Ghost |
#564 |
Tirtouga |
Water |
Rock |
#565 |
Carracosta |
Water |
Rock |
#566 |
Archen |
Rock |
Flying |
#567 |
Archeops |
Rock |
Flying |
#568 |
Trubbish |
Poison |
Poison |
#569 |
Garbodor |
Poison |
Poison |
#570 |
Zorua |
Dark |
Dark |
#571 |
Zoroark |
Dark |
Dark |
#572 |
Minccino |
Normal |
Normal |
#573 |
Cinccino |
Normal |
Normal |
#574 |
Gothita |
Psychic |
Psychic |
#575 |
Gothorita |
Psychic |
Psychic |
#576 |
Gothitelle |
Psychic |
Psychic |
#577 |
Solosis |
Psychic |
Psychic |
#578 |
Duosion |
Psychic |
Psychic |
#579 |
Reuniclus |
Psychic |
Psychic |
#580 |
Ducklett |
Water |
Flying |
#581 |
Swanna |
Water |
Flying |
#582 |
Vanillite |
Ice |
Ice |
#583 |
Vanillish |
Ice |
Ice |
#584 |
Vanilluxe |
Ice |
Ice |
#585 |
Deerling |
Normal |
Grass |
#586 |
Sawsbuck |
Normal |
Grass |
#587 |
Emolga |
Electric |
Flying |
#588 |
Karrablast |
Bug |
Bug |
#589 |
Escavalier |
Bug |
Steel |
#590 |
Foongus |
Grass |
Poison |
#591 |
Amoonguss |
Grass |
Poison |
#592 |
Frillish |
Water |
Ghost |
#593 |
Jellicent |
Water |
Ghost |
#594 |
Alomomola |
Water |
Water |
#595 |
Joltik |
Bug |
Electric |
#596 |
Galvantula |
Bug |
Electric |
#597 |
Ferroseed |
Grass |
Steel |
#598 |
Ferrothorn |
Grass |
Steel |
#599 |
Klink |
Steel |
Steel |
#600 |
Klang |
Steel |
Steel |
#601 |
Klinklang |
Steel |
Steel |
#602 |
Tynamo |
Electric |
Electric |
#603 |
Eelektrik |
Electric |
Electric |
#604 |
Eelektross |
Electric |
Electric |
#605 |
Elgyem |
Psychic |
Psychic |
#606 |
Beheeyem |
Psychic |
Psychic |
#607 |
Litwick |
Ghost |
Fire |
#608 |
Lampent |
Ghost |
Fire |
#609 |
Chandelure |
Ghost |
Fire |
#610 |
Axew |
Dragon |
Dragon |
#611 |
Fraxure |
Dragon |
Dragon |
#612 |
Haxorus |
Dragon |
Dragon |
#613 |
Cubchoo |
Ice |
Ice |
#614 |
Beartic |
Ice |
Ice |
#615 |
Cryogonal |
Ice |
Ice |
#616 |
Shelmet |
Bug |
Bug |
#617 |
Accelgor |
Bug |
Bug |
#618 |
Stunfisk |
Ground |
Electric |
#619 |
Mienfoo |
Fighting |
Fighting |
#620 |
Mienshao |
Fighting |
Fighting |
#621 |
Druddigon |
Dragon |
Dragon |
#622 |
Golett |
Ground |
Ghost |
#623 |
Golurk |
Ground |
Ghost |
#624 |
Pawniard |
Dark |
Steel |
#625 |
Bisharp |
Dark |
Steel |
#626 |
Bouffalant |
Normal |
Normal |
#627 |
Rufflet |
Normal |
Flying |
#628 |
Braviary |
Normal |
Flying |
#629 |
Vullaby |
Dark |
Flying |
#630 |
Mandibuzz |
Dark |
Flying |
#631 |
Heatmor |
Fire |
Fire |
#632 |
Durant |
Bug |
Steel |
#633 |
Deino |
Dark |
Dragon |
#634 |
Zweilous |
Dark |
Dragon |
#635 |
Hydreigon |
Dark |
Dragon |
#636 |
Larvesta |
Bug |
Fire |
#637 |
Volcarona |
Bug |
Fire |
#638 |
Cobalion |
Steel |
Fighting |
#639 |
Terrakion |
Rock |
Fighting |
#640 |
Virizion |
Grass |
Fighting |
#641 |
Tornadus |
Flying |
Flying |
#642 |
Thundurus |
Electric |
Flying |
#643 |
Reshiram |
Dragon |
Fire |
#644 |
Zekrom |
Dragon |
Electric |
#645 |
Landorus |
Ground |
Flying |
#646 |
Kyurem |
Dragon |
Ice |
#647 |
Keldeo |
Water |
Fighting |
#648 |
Meloetta |
Normal |
Psychic |
#649 |
Genesect |
Bug |
Steel |
#650 |
Chespin |
Grass |
Grass |
#651 |
Quilladin |
Grass |
Grass |
#652 |
Chesnaught |
Grass |
Fighting |
#653 |
Fennekin |
Fire |
Fire |
#654 |
Braixen |
Fire |
Fire |
#655 |
Delphox |
Fire |
Psychic |
#656 |
Froakie |
Water |
Water |
#657 |
Frogadier |
Water |
Water |
#658 |
Greninja |
Water |
Dark |
#659 |
Bunnelby |
Normal |
Normal |
#660 |
Diggersby |
Normal |
Ground |
#661 |
Fletchling |
Normal |
Flying |
#662 |
Fletchinder |
Fire |
Flying |
#663 |
Talonflame |
Fire |
Flying |
#664 |
Scatterbug |
Bug |
Bug |
#665 |
Spewpa |
Bug |
Bug |
#666 |
Vivillon |
Bug |
Flying |
#667 |
Litleo |
Fire |
Normal |
#668 |
Pyroar |
Fire |
Normal |
#669 |
Flabébé |
Fairy |
Fairy |
#670 |
Floette |
Fairy |
Fairy |
#671 |
Florges |
Fairy |
Fairy |
#672 |
Skiddo |
Grass |
Grass |
#673 |
Gogoat |
Grass |
Grass |
#674 |
Pancham |
Fighting |
Fighting |
#675 |
Pangoro |
Fighting |
Dark |
#676 |
Furfrou |
Normal |
Normal |
#677 |
Espurr |
Psychic |
Psychic |
#678 |
Meowstic |
Psychic |
Psychic |
#679 |
Honedge |
Steel |
Ghost |
#680 |
Doublade |
Steel |
Ghost |
#681 |
Aegislash |
Steel |
Ghost |
#682 |
Spritzee |
Fairy |
Fairy |
#683 |
Aromatisse |
Fairy |
Fairy |
#684 |
Swirlix |
Fairy |
Fairy |
#685 |
Slurpuff |
Fairy |
Fairy |
#686 |
Inkay |
Dark |
Psychic |
#687 |
Malamar |
Dark |
Psychic |
#688 |
Binacle |
Rock |
Water |
#689 |
Barbaracle |
Rock |
Water |
#690 |
Skrelp |
Poison |
Water |
#691 |
Dragalge |
Poison |
Dragon |
#692 |
Clauncher |
Water |
Water |
#693 |
Clawitzer |
Water |
Water |
#694 |
Helioptile |
Electric |
Normal |
#695 |
Heliolisk |
Electric |
Normal |
#696 |
Tyrunt |
Rock |
Dragon |
#697 |
Tyrantrum |
Rock |
Dragon |
#698 |
Amaura |
Rock |
Ice |
#699 |
Aurorus |
Rock |
Ice |
#700 |
Sylveon |
Fairy |
Fairy |
#701 |
Hawlucha |
Fighting |
Flying |
#702 |
Dedenne |
Electric |
Fairy |
#703 |
Carbink |
Rock |
Fairy |
#704 |
Goomy |
Dragon |
Dragon |
#705 |
Sliggoo |
Dragon |
Dragon |
#706 |
Goodra |
Dragon |
Dragon |
#707 |
Klefki |
Steel |
Fairy |
#708 |
Phantump |
Ghost |
Grass |
#709 |
Trevenant |
Ghost |
Grass |
#710 |
Pumpkaboo |
Ghost |
Grass |
#711 |
Gourgeist |
Ghost |
Grass |
#712 |
Bergmite |
Ice |
Ice |
#713 |
Avalugg |
Ice |
Ice |
#714 |
Noibat |
Flying |
Dragon |
#715 |
Noivern |
Flying |
Dragon |
#716 |
Xerneas |
Fairy |
Fairy |
#717 |
Yveltal |
Dark |
Flying |
#718 |
Zygarde |
Dragon |
Ground |
#719 |
Diancie |
Rock |
Fairy |
#720 |
Hoopa |
Psychic |
Ghost |
#721 |
Lukpup |
Fairy |
Fairy |
#722 |
Lukagon |
Fairy |
Dragon |
#723 |
Kokiseed |
Grass |
Grass |
#724 |
Kokipound |
Grass |
Fighting |
#725 |
Kokismash |
Grass |
Fighting |
#726 |
Chargo |
Fire |
Fire |
#727 |
Burnaram |
Fire |
Fire |
#728 |
Psysteed |
Fire |
Psychic |
#729 |
Darpole |
Water |
Water |
#730 |
Brutoad |
Water |
Dark |
#731 |
Godfrogger |
Water |
Dark |
#732 |
Gorochu |
Electric |
Fire |
#733 |
Nidorook |
Poison |
Ground |
#734 |
Quezsparce |
Fairy |
Ground |
#735 |
Faeralynx |
Fairy |
Dark |
#736 |
Shellder |
Water |
Steel |
#737 |
Skulkraken |
Water |
Steel |
#738 |
Grimer |
Poison |
Rock |
#739 |
Muk |
Poison |
Rock |
#740 |
Oozma |
Fire |
Rock |
#741 |
Omeon |
Ghost |
Ghost |
#742 |
Champeon |
Fighting |
Fighting |
#743 |
Lepideon |
Bug |
Bug |
#744 |
Guardeon |
Steel |
Steel |
#745 |
Obsideon |
Rock |
Rock |
#746 |
Scorpeon |
Poison |
Poison |
#747 |
Sphynxeon |
Ground |
Ground |
#748 |
Nimbeon |
Flying |
Flying |
#749 |
Draconeon |
Dragon |
Dragon |
#750 |
Eeveeon |
Normal |
Normal |
#751 |
Vareon |
??? |
??? |
#752 |
Terathwack |
Normal |
Ground |
#753 |
Spearow |
Dark |
Fighting |
#754 |
Fearow |
Dark |
Fighting |
#755 |
Hoothoot |
Dark |
Flying |
#756 |
Noctowl |
Dark |
Flying |
#757 |
Grimfowl |
Dark |
Flying |
#758 |
Azurill |
Normal |
Rock |
#759 |
Marill |
Rock |
Fighting |
#760 |
Azumarill |
Rock |
Fighting |
#761 |
Trubbish |
Poison |
Steel |
#762 |
Garbodor |
Poison |
Steel |
#763 |
Swablu |
Normal |
Ice |
#764 |
Altaria |
Dragon |
Ice |
#765 |
Lotad |
Fire |
Steel |
#766 |
Lombre |
Fire |
Steel |
#767 |
Ludicolo |
Fire |
Steel |
#768 |
Sunflorid |
Grass |
Fire |
#769 |
Sorcerice |
Ice |
Psychic |
#770 |
Kecleodon |
Normal |
Normal |
#771 |
Magnemite |
Grass |
Steel |
#772 |
Magneton |
Grass |
Steel |
#773 |
Magnezone |
Grass |
Steel |
#774 |
Tangela |
Electric |
Steel |
#775 |
Tangrowth |
Electric |
Steel |
#776 |
Wereyena |
Dark |
Fairy |
#777 |
Reaptide |
Water |
Ghost |
#778 |
Happiny |
Fighting |
Fairy |
#779 |
Chansey |
Fighting |
Fairy |
#780 |
Blissey |
Fighting |
Fairy |
#781 |
Kidfoot |
Normal |
Normal |
#782 |
Snosquatch |
Ice |
Rock |
#783 |
Grasquatch |
Grass |
Psychic |
#784 |
Arctusk |
Ice |
Normal |
#785 |
Gigantusk |
Ice |
Steel |
#786 |
Iceros |
Ice |
Ground |
#787 |
Glacieros |
Ice |
Ground |
#788 |
Mockroach |
Bug |
Dark |
#789 |
Jollibird |
Ice |
Fairy |
#790 |
Kablowfish |
Water |
Steel |
#791 |
Scalarva |
Bug |
Dragon |
#792 |
Dragalis |
Bug |
Dragon |
#793 |
Ceregal |
Bug |
Dragon |
#794 |
Gargon |
Rock |
Dragon |
#795 |
Wardern |
Rock |
Dragon |
#796 |
Dragoyle |
Rock |
Dragon |
#797 |
Volcanion |
Fire |
Water |
#798 |
Porygon-X |
Electric |
Normal |
#799 |
Oculeus |
Psychic |
Cosmic |
#800 |
Arkhaos |
Cosmic |
Cosmic |
#801 |
Bulbasaur |
Grass |
Poison |
#802 |
Ivysaur |
Grass |
Poison |
#803 |
Venusaur |
Grass |
Poison |
#804 |
Charmander |
Fire |
Fire |
#805 |
Charmeleon |
Fire |
Fire |
#806 |
Charizard |
Fire |
Flying |
#807 |
Squirtle |
Water |
Water |
#808 |
Wartortle |
Water |
Water |
#809 |
Blastoise |
Water |
Water |
#810 |
Botamon |
Normal |
Normal |
#811 |
Koromon |
Normal |
Normal |
#812 |
Agumon |
Fire |
Fire |
#813 |
Greymon |
Fire |
Fire |
#814 |
MetalGreymon |
Fire |
Steel |
#815 |
WarGreymon |
Fire |
Steel |
#816 |
Tyrannomon |
Fire |
Fire |
#817 |
SkullGreymon |
Fire |
Ghost |
#818 |
Betamon |
Water |
Water |
#819 |
Seadramon |
Water |
Water |
#820 |
Numemon |
Poison |
Dark |
#821 |
Oddish |
Ghost |
Poison |
#822 |
Gloom |
Ghost |
Poison |
#823 |
Viledoom |
Ghost |
Poison |
#824 |
Mortossum |
Ghost |
Fairy |
#825 |
Mushling |
Grass |
Psychic |
#826 |
Psycholyte |
Grass |
Psychic |
#827 |
Shroomage |
Grass |
Psychic |
#828 |
Calfpint |
Normal |
Normal |
#829 |
Arbird |
Steel |
Normal |
#830 |
Girafaraf |
Fairy |
Psychic |
#831 |
Giragira |
Dark |
Psychic |
#832 |
Whave |
Water |
Water |
#833 |
Orcabyss |
Water |
Water |
#834 |
Zapalope |
Electric |
Grass |
#835 |
Joltalope |
Electric |
Grass |
#836 |
Chikorita |
Grass |
Dragon |
#837 |
Bayleef |
Grass |
Dragon |
#838 |
Meganium |
Grass |
Dragon |
#839 |
Cyndaquil |
Fire |
Electric |
#840 |
Quilava |
Fire |
Electric |
#841 |
Typhlosion |
Fire |
Electric |
#842 |
Totodile |
Water |
Poison |
#843 |
Croconaw |
Water |
Poison |
#844 |
Feraligatr |
Water |
Poison |
#845 |
Mewthree |
Psychic |
Psychic |
#846 |
Palmon |
Grass |
Grass |
#847 |
Togemon |
Grass |
Fighting |
#848 |
Shellmon |
Water |
Ground |
#849 |
Missing No. |
??? |
??? |
TMs List and Location in Pokemon Infinity
Technical Machines (TMs) in Pokemon Infinity are scattered across different locations. The game tweaks the availability and placement of TMs, often requiring players to explore more thoroughly or complete challenging tasks to obtain them.
Here is the list of TMs that can currently be found in the game as well their locations:
TM | Move | Type | Locations | ||
Kanto/Sevii | Hoenn | Kanto/Sevii | |||
TM01 | Focus Punch | Fighting | Route 115, PickupE (1% chance, lv 71-90) | N/A | |
TM02 | Dragon Claw | Dragon | Meteor Falls | N/A | |
TM03 | Water Pulse | Water | Prize for defeating WallaceRS/JuanE | N/A | |
TM04 | Calm Mind | Psychic | Prize for defeating Tate and Liza | N/A | |
TM05 | Roar | Normal | Route 114 | N/A | 1000 |
TM06 | Toxic | Poison | Fiery Path | N/A | |
TM07 | Hail | Ice | Shoal Cave | N/A | |
TM08 | Bulk Up | Fighting | Prize for defeating Brawly | N/A | |
TM09 | Bullet Seed | Grass | Route 104 | N/A | |
TM10 | Hidden Power | Normal | Fortree City, Slateport City | 3000 | N/A |
TM11 | Sunny Day | Fire | Scorched Slab, Trainer HillE | N/A | |
TM12 | Taunt | Dark | Trick House | N/A | |
TM13 | Ice Beam | Ice | Abandoned Ship, Mauville Game Corner | 4000C | |
TM14 | Blizzard | Ice | Lilycove Department Store | 5500 | N/A |
TM15 | Hyper Beam | Normal | Lilycove Department Store | 7500 | |
TM16 | Light Screen | Psychic | Lilycove Department Store | 000 | N/A |
TM17 | Protect | Normal | Lilycove Department Store | 3000 | N/A |
TM18 | Rain Dance | Water | Abandoned Ship | N/A | |
TM19 | Giga Drain | Grass | Route 123, Trainer HillE | N/A | |
TM20 | Safeguard | Normal | Lilycove Department Store | 3000 | N/A |
TM21 | Frustration | Normal | Pacifidlog Town | N/A | |
TM22 | SolarBeam | Grass | Safari Zone | N/A | |
TM23 | Iron Tail | Steel | Meteor Falls | N/A | 3500C |
TM24 | Thunderbolt | Electric | Gift from Wattson, Mauville Game Corner | 4000C | |
TM25 | Thunder | Electric | Lilycove Department Store | 5500 | N/A |
TM26 | Earthquake | Ground | Seafloor Cavern, PickupE (1% chance, lv 91-100) | N/A | |
TM27 | Return | Normal | Fallarbor Town, Pacifidlog Town | N/A | |
TM28 | Dig | Ground | Route 114 | N/A | 2000 |
TM29 | Psychic | Psychic | Mauville Game Corner, Victory Road | 3500C | N/A |
TM30 | Shadow Ball | Ghost | Mt. Pyre | N/A | 4500C |
TM31 | Brick Break | Fighting | Sootopolis City, Trainer HillE | N/A | 3000 |
TM32 | Double Team | Normal | Route 113, Mauville Game Corner | 1500C | N/A |
TM33 | Reflect | Psychic | Lilycove Department Store | 3000 | N/A |
TM34 | Shock Wave | Electric | Prize for defeating Wattson | N/A | |
TM35 | Flamethrower | Fire | Mauville Game Corner | 4000C | |
TM36 | Sludge Bomb | Poison | Dewford Town | N/A | |
TM37 | Sandstorm | Rock | Route 111 | N/A | |
TM38 | Fire Blast | Fire | Lilycove Department Store | 5500 | N/A |
TM39 | Rock Tomb | Rock | Prize for defeating Roxanne | N/A | |
TM40 | Aerial Ace | Flying | Prize for defeating Winona | N/A | |
TM41 | Torment | Dark | Slateport City | N/A | |
TM42 | Facade | Normal | Prize for defeating Norman | N/A | |
TM43 | Secret Power | Normal | Route 111, Slateport City | 3000 | |
TM44 | Rest | Psychic | Lilycove City, PickupE (1% chance, lv 51-70) | N/A | |
TM45 | Attract | Normal | Verdanturf Town | N/A | 3000 |
TM46 | Thief | Dark | Slateport City | N/A | |
TM47 | Steel Wing | Steel | Granite Cave | N/A | |
TM48 | Skill Swap | Psychic | Mt. Pyre | N/A | |
TM49 | Snatch | Dark | S.S. Tidal | N/A | |
TM50 | Overheat | Fire | Prize for defeating Flannery | N/A |
HMs List and Locations Pokemon Infinity
Pokémon Infinity incorporates Pokémon from multiple generations, blending them into the game’s fabric. This integration adds depth and variety, challenging players to adapt their strategies against a broader range of Pokémon types and abilities.
Here is the list of HMs that can currently be found in the game as well their locations:
HM | Move | Type | Locations | Badge | ||
Hoenn | Kanto/Sevii | Hoenn | Kanto | |||
HM01 | Cut | Normal | Rustboro City | S.S. Anne | Stone Badge |
Cascade Badge |
HM02 | Fly | Flying | Route 119 | Route 16 | Feather Badge |
Thunder Badge |
HM03 | Surf | Water | Petalburg City | Safari Zone | Balance Badge |
Soul Badge |
HM04 | Strength | Normal | Rusturf Tunnel | Fuchsia City | Heat Badge |
Rainbow Badge |
HM05 | Flash | Normal | Granite Cave | Route 2 | Knuckle Badge |
Boulder Badge |
HM06 | Rock Smash | Fighting | Mauville City | Ember Spa | Dynamo Badge |
Marsh Badge |
HM07 | Waterfall | Water | Cave of OriginRS, Sootopolis CityE | Icefall Cave | Rain Badge |
Volcano Badge |
HM08 | Dive | Water | Mossdeep City | — | Mind Badge |
— |
Pokemon Infinity Wiki
Pokémon Infinity, a hypothetical addition to the Pokémon franchise, represents an imaginative step forward in the series. This conceptual game, not officially developed by The Pokémon Company, is envisioned as an innovative adventure set in a completely new region, teeming with diverse Pokémon and rich lore. Designed to include Pokémon from various generations, Pokémon Infinity offers trainers the chance to encounter both familiar and new species, enhancing the experience of discovery and strategy in gameplay.
The core journey in Pokémon Infinity involves aspiring trainers embarking on a quest to become the Pokémon Champion. Along the way, they would face challenging Gym Leaders, uncover hidden secrets, and encounter unique characters that enrich the storyline. Pokémon Infinity is thought to emphasize exploration, puzzle-solving, and dynamic battles, providing a fresh and exciting experience for both long-time Pokémon fans and newcomers to the series.
What is Pokemon Infinity ?
Pokémon Infinity represents a conceptual leap in the Pokémon series, a hypothetical game that envisions an expansive and detailed Pokémon adventure. Not officially developed by The Pokémon Company, this idea symbolizes the potential for innovation and creativity within the beloved franchise. Envisioned to be set in a brand-new region, Pokémon Infinity would offer a diverse landscape filled with unique ecosystems, where players can discover and catch a wide array of Pokémon from different generations.
The central premise of Pokémon Infinity revolves around the exploration of this new region and the unraveling of its mysteries. Players would engage in strategic battles, meet new characters, and embark on quests that test their skills as Pokémon trainers. With its mix of adventure, strategy, and discovery, Pokémon Infinity is conceptualized as a game that would captivate both long-time fans and newcomers, continuing the legacy of the Pokémon universe in an exciting new direction.
Regions on Pokemon Infinity: Maps
This unique gaming experience rejuvenates the classic Pokémon universe by integrating the new Egho region, never seen before which guarantees you a totally new experience
Pokemon Infinity Gym Leaders and Teams
In Pokemon Infinity, the gym leaders are reimagined to present unparalleled challenges, transforming familiar battles into strategic conundrums. Each leader showcases a meticulously curated team, demanding players to employ advanced strategies and a deep understanding of Pokémon types and matchups.
Pokemon Infinity Gym Leaders:
Gym Leaders | |||
Leader | Type | Location | Team |
Roxanne |
Rock | Rustboro City | Nosepass, Omastar |
Brawly | Fighting | Dewford Town | Machamp, Breloom |
Wattson | Electric | Mauville City | Magneton, Manectric |
Flannery | Fire | Lavaridge Town | Camerupt, Torkoal |
Norman | Normal | Petalburg City | Slaking, Vigoroth |
Winona | Flying | Fortree City | Skarmory, Altaria |
Tate & Liza | Psychic | Mossdeep City | Solrock, Lunatone |
Wallace | Water | Sootopolis City | Milotic, Whiscash |
This heightened difficulty is not just a test of strength but also a cerebral exercise in team composition and battle tactics. From Roxanne’s sturdy Rock-types to Wallace’s graceful Water-types, these gym leaders compel players to think creatively, adapt quickly, and approach each battle with a blend of caution and boldness.
Customized Gameplay ( Randomizer, Nuzlocke, Etc)
Pokémon Infinity, a conceptual game in the Pokémon franchise, is envisioned as a groundbreaking venture in terms of customization, offering players unprecedented control over their Pokémon journey. Although not an official release from The Pokémon Company, this hypothetical game illustrates the potential for a highly personalized Pokémon experience.
At the core of Pokémon Infinity’s design is the idea of extensive customization options. Players could tailor their trainer’s appearance with a wide range of clothing and accessories, allowing for a unique visual identity in the game world. Beyond aesthetics, Pokémon Infinity is imagined to offer significant flexibility in team building, with Pokémon from all generations available for capture and training.
Pokemon Infinity Walkthrough
Discuss how these changes influence the overall gameplay experience, strategy formulation, and team building in Pokémon Infinity. Highlight the creative and strategic opportunities these modifications present to players.
Join us on this exciting journey and master Pokémon Infinity with ease. Start your adventure now and discover the wonders of Egho!
Pokemon Infinity Discord Community
Join the largest Pokémon Infinity community in the world, you will be able to learn, new Metas, the latest updates, friends, bugs, and everything related to the world of Pokémon Infinity.