Pokémon Wild Lands

Pokémon Wild Lands is a groundbreaking open-world adventure, crafted by the creator of Pokémon: Aether and Chaos. With an expansive world to explore and a dynamic level-scaling system, this fan-made RPG offers players unparalleled freedom. Whether you follow the quest-driven storyline or forge your own path, Wild Lands gives you the autonomy to play how you want, without unnecessary restrictions. Complete with a brand-new soundtrack and many unique features, this game sets itself apart from traditional Pokémon experiences.
Pokémon Wild Lands

Pokémon Wild Lands

Feature Details
Game World Open-world adventure with vast exploration options and minimal barriers.
Level Scaling Dynamic system adjusts levels to keep the challenge balanced.
Phantom Pokémon & Shrines Special events featuring mini-bosses.
Total Pokémon 286 Pokémon from Generations 1–9, all rebalanced.

Download Pokémon Wild Lands ROM

To download Pokémon Wild Lands, you can use the following link: