Pokemon Emerald Kaizo

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Pokémon Emerald Kaizo is a notoriously challenging hack of the classic Pokémon Emerald game. This article delves into the various aspects of this unique version, providing insights into its ROM, Pokédex, TMs, HMs, regions, best Pokémon, gym leaders, and customized gameplay options.

Pokémon Emerald Kaizo
Game: Pokemon Emerald Kaizo
Developer: JV
Release Year:  2016
Last Updated: May (2023)
Version: 2.0
Language: English
Type: Fan-made

Download Pokemon Emerald Kaizo ROM

To experience Pokémon Emerald Kaizo, players must download its ROM. It’s crucial to source the ROM from a reputable website to avoid corrupted files or malware. A compatible emulator is also necessary to play the game on a computer or mobile device:


Download for PC


Game: Pokemon Emerald Kaizo
Developer: JV
Release Year:  2016
Last Updated: May (2023)
Version: 1.2.5
Language: English
Type: Fan-made

Pokemon Emerald Kaizo Pokedex


The Pokédex in Pokémon Emerald Kaizo is expansive, featuring a wide array of Pokémon from various generations. This diversity allows players to encounter and capture a unique mix of Pokémon not typically found together in the original Emerald game.

Hoenn Nombre Tipos Tipos 2 Salud Ata. Def. Vel. AtEsp DefEsp Total
001 - #252 Treecko
40 45 35 70 65 55 310
002 - #253 Grovyle
50 65 45 95 85 65 405
003 - #254 Sceptile
70 85 65 120 105 85 530
004 - #255 Torchic
45 60 40 45 70 50 310
005 - #256 Combusken 60 85 60 55 85 60 405
006 - #257 Blaziken 80 120 70 80 110 70 530
007 - #258 Mudkip
50 70 50 40 50 50 310
008 - #259 Marshtomp 70 85 70 50 60 70 405
009 - #260 Swampert 100 110 90 60 85 90 535
010 - #261 Poochyena
35 55 35 35 30 30 220
011 - #262 Mightyena
70 90 70 70 60 60 420
012 - #263 Zigzagoon
38 30 41 60 30 41 240
013 - #264 Linoone
78 70 61 100 50 61 420
014 - #265 Wurmple
45 45 35 20 20 30 195
015 - #266 Silcoon
50 35 55 15 25 25 205
016 - #267 Beautifly 60 70 50 65 100 50 395
017 - #268 Cascoon
50 35 55 15 25 25 205
018 - #269 Dustox 60 50 70 65 50 90 385
019 - #270 Lotad 40 30 30 30 40 50 220
020 - #271 Lombre 60 50 50 50 60 70 340
021 - #272 Ludicolo 80 70 70 70 90 100 480
022 - #273 Seedot
40 40 50 30 30 30 220
023 - #274 Nuzleaf 70 70 40 60 60 40 340
024 - #275 Shiftry 90 100 60 80 90 60 480
025 - #276 Taillow 40 55 30 85 30 30 270
026 - #277 Swellow 60 85 60 125 75 50 455
027 - #278 Wingull 40 30 30 85 55 30 270
028 - #279 Pelipper 60 50 100 65 95 70 440
029 - #280 Ralts 28 25 25 40 45 35 198
030 - #281 Kirlia 38 35 35 50 65 55 278
031 - #282 Gardevoir 68 65 65 80 125 115 518
032 - #283 Surskit 40 30 32 65 50 52 269
033 - #284 Masquerain 70 60 62 80 100 82 454
034 - #285 Shroomish
60 40 60 35 40 60 295
035 - #286 Breloom 60 130 80 70 60 60 460
036 - #287 Slakoth
60 60 60 30 35 35 280
037 - #288 Vigoroth
80 80 80 90 55 55 440
038 - #289 Slaking
150 160 100 100 95 65 670
039 - #063 Abra
25 20 15 90 105 55 310
040 - #064 Kadabra
40 35 30 105 120 70 400
041 - #065 Alakazam
55 50 45 120 135 95 500
042 - #290 Nincada 31 45 90 40 30 30 266
043 - #291 Ninjask 61 90 45 160 50 50 456
044 - #292 Shedinja 1 90 45 40 30 30 236
045 - #293 Whismur
64 51 23 28 51 23 240
046 - #294 Loudred
84 71 43 48 71 43 360
047 - #295 Exploud
104 91 63 68 91 73 490
048 - #296 Makuhita
72 60 30 25 20 30 237
049 - #297 Hariyama
144 120 60 50 40 60 474
050 - #118 Goldeen
45 67 60 63 35 50 320
051 - #119 Seaking
80 92 65 68 65 80 450
052 - #129 Magikarp
20 10 55 80 15 20 200
053 - #130 Gyarados 95 125 79 81 60 100 540
054 - #298 Azurill 50 20 40 20 20 40 190
055 - #183 Marill 70 20 50 40 20 50 250
056 - #184 Azumarill 100 50 80 50 60 80 420
057 - #074 Geodude 40 80 100 20 30 30 300
058 - #075 Graveler 55 95 115 35 45 45 390
059 - #076 Golem 80 120 130 45 55 65 495
060 - #299 Nosepass
30 45 135 30 45 90 375
061 - #300 Skitty
50 45 45 50 35 35 260
062 - #301 Delcatty
70 65 65 90 55 55 400
063 - #041 Zubat 40 45 35 55 30 40 245
064 - #042 Golbat 75 80 70 90 65 75 455
065 - #169 Crobat 85 90 80 130 70 80 535
066 - #072 Tentacool 40 40 35 70 50 100 335
067 - #073 Tentacruel 80 70 65 100 80 120 515
068 - #302 Sableye 50 75 75 50 65 65 380
069 - #303 Mawile 50 85 85 50 55 55 380
070 - #304 Aron 50 70 100 30 40 40 330
071 - #305 Lairon 60 90 140 40 50 50 430
072 - #306 Aggron 70 110 180 50 60 60 530
073 - #066 Machop
70 80 50 35 35 35 305
074 - #067 Machoke
80 100 70 45 50 60 405
075 - #068 Machamp
90 130 80 55 65 85 505
076 - #307 Meditite 30 40 55 60 40 55 280
077 - #308 Medicham 60 60 75 80 60 75 410
078 - #309 Electrike
40 45 40 65 65 40 295
079 - #310 Manectric
70 75 60 105 105 60 475
080 - #311 Plusle
60 50 40 95 85 75 405
081 - #312 Minun
60 40 50 95 75 85 405
082 - #081 Magnemite 25 35 70 45 95 55 325
083 - #082 Magneton 50 60 95 70 120 70 465
084 - #100 Voltorb
40 30 50 100 55 55 330
085 - #101 Electrode
60 50 70 150 80 80 490
086 - #313 Volbeat
65 73 75 85 47 85 430
087 - #314 Illumise
65 47 75 85 73 85 430
088 - #043 Oddish 45 50 55 30 75 65 320
089 - #044 Gloom 60 65 70 40 85 75 395
090 - #045 Vileplume 75 80 85 50 110 90 490
091 - #182 Bellossom
75 80 95 50 90 100 490
092 - #084 Doduo 35 85 45 75 35 35 310
093 - #085 Dodrio 60 110 70 110 60 60 470
094 - #315 Roselia 50 60 45 65 100 80 400
095 - #316 Gulpin
70 43 53 40 43 53 302
096 - #317 Swalot
100 73 83 55 73 83 467
097 - #318 Carvanha 45 90 20 65 65 20 305
098 - #319 Sharpedo 70 120 40 95 95 40 460
099 - #320 Wailmer
130 70 35 60 70 35 400
100 - #321 Wailord
170 90 45 60 90 45 500
101 - #322 Numel 60 60 40 35 65 45 305
102 - #323 Camerupt 70 100 70 40 105 75 460
103 - #218 Slugma
40 40 40 20 70 40 250
104 - #219 Magcargo 60 50 120 30 90 80 430
105 - #324 Torkoal
70 85 140 20 85 70 470
106 - #088 Grimer
80 80 50 25 40 50 325
107 - #089 Muk
105 105 75 50 65 100 500
108 - #109 Koffing
40 65 95 35 60 45 340
109 - #110 Weezing
65 90 120 60 85 70 490
110 - #325 Spoink
60 25 35 60 70 80 330
111 - #326 Grumpig
80 45 65 80 90 110 470
112 - #027 Sandshrew
50 75 85 40 20 30 300
113 - #028 Sandslash
75 100 110 65 45 55 450
114 - #327 Spinda
60 60 60 60 60 60 360
115 - #227 Skarmory 65 80 140 70 40 70 465
116 - #328 Trapinch
45 100 45 10 45 45 290
117 - #329 Vibrava 50 70 50 70 50 50 340
118 - #330 Flygon 80 100 80 100 80 80 520
119 - #331 Cacnea
50 85 40 35 85 40 335
120 - #332 Cacturne 70 115 60 55 115 60 475
121 - #333 Swablu 45 40 60 50 40 75 310
122 - #334 Altaria 75 70 90 80 70 105 490
123 - #335 Zangoose
73 115 60 90 60 60 458
124 - #336 Seviper
73 100 60 65 100 60 458
125 - #337 Lunatone 90 55 65 70 95 85 460
126 - #338 Solrock 90 95 85 70 55 65 460
127 - #339 Barboach 50 48 43 60 46 41 288
128 - #340 Whiscash 110 78 73 60 76 71 468
129 - #341 Corphish
43 80 65 35 50 35 308
130 - #342 Crawdaunt 63 120 85 55 90 55 468
131 - #343 Baltoy 40 40 55 55 40 70 300
132 - #344 Claydol 60 70 105 75 70 120 500
133 - #345 Lileep 66 41 77 23 61 87 355
134 - #346 Cradily 86 81 97 43 81 107 495
135 - #347 Anorith 45 95 50 75 40 50 355
136 - #348 Armaldo 75 125 100 45 70 80 495
137 - #174 Igglybuff 90 30 15 15 40 20 210
138 - #039 Jigglypuff 115 45 20 20 45 25 270
139 - #040 Wigglytuff 140 70 45 45 85 50 435
140 - #349 Feebas
20 15 20 80 10 55 200
141 - #350 Milotic
95 60 79 81 100 125 540
142 - #351 Castform
70 70 70 70 70 70 420
143 - #120 Staryu
30 45 55 85 70 55 340
144 - #121 Starmie 60 75 85 115 100 85 520
145 - #352 Kecleon
60 90 70 40 60 120 440
146 - #353 Shuppet
44 75 35 45 63 33 295
147 - #354 Banette
64 115 65 65 83 63 455
148 - #355 Duskull
20 40 90 25 30 90 295
149 - #356 Dusclops
40 70 130 25 60 130 455
150 - #357 Tropius 99 68 83 51 72 87 460
151 - #358 Chimecho
75 50 80 65 95 90 455
152 - #359 Absol
65 130 60 75 75 60 465
153 - #037 Vulpix
38 41 40 65 50 65 299
154 - #038 Ninetales
73 76 75 100 81 100 505
155 - #172 Pichu
20 40 15 60 35 35 205
156 - #025 Pikachu
35 55 40 90 50 50 320
157 - #026 Raichu
60 90 55 110 90 80 485
158 - #054 Psyduck
50 52 48 55 65 50 320
159 - #055 Golduck
80 82 78 85 95 80 500
160 - #360 Wynaut
95 23 48 23 23 48 260
161 - #202 Wobbuffet
190 33 58 33 33 58 405
162 - #177 Natu 40 50 45 70 70 45 320
163 - #178 Xatu 65 75 70 95 95 70 470
164 - #203 Girafarig 70 80 65 85 90 65 455
165 - #231 Phanpy
90 60 60 40 40 40 330
166 - #232 Donphan
90 120 120 50 60 60 500
167 - #127 Pinsir
65 125 100 85 55 70 500
168 - #214 Heracross 80 125 75 85 40 95 500
169 - #111 Rhyhorn 80 85 95 25 30 30 345
170 - #112 Rhydon 105 130 120 40 45 45 485
171 - #361 Snorunt
50 50 50 50 50 50 300
172 - #362 Glalie
80 80 80 80 80 80 480
173 - #363 Spheal 70 40 50 25 55 50 290
174 - #364 Sealeo 90 60 70 45 75 70 410
175 - #365 Walrein 110 80 90 65 95 90 530
176 - #366 Clamperl
35 64 85 32 74 55 345
177 - #367 Huntail
55 104 105 52 94 75 485
178 - #368 Gorebyss
55 84 105 52 114 75 485
179 - #369 Relicanth 100 90 130 55 45 65 485
180 - #222 Corsola 65 55 95 35 65 95 410
181 - #170 Chinchou 75 38 38 67 56 56 330
182 - #171 Lanturn 125 58 58 67 76 76 460
183 - #370 Luvdisc
43 30 55 97 40 65 330
184 - #116 Horsea
30 40 70 60 70 25 295
185 - #117 Seadra
55 65 95 85 95 45 440
186 - #230 Kingdra 75 95 95 85 95 95 540
187 - #371 Bagon
45 75 60 50 40 30 300
188 - #372 Shelgon
65 95 100 50 60 50 420
189 - #373 Salamence 95 135 80 100 110 80 600
190 - #374 Beldum 40 55 80 30 35 60 300
191 - #375 Metang 60 75 100 50 55 80 420
192 - #376 Metagross 80 135 130 70 95 90 600
193 - #377 Regirock
80 100 200 50 50 100 580
194 - #378 Regice
80 50 100 50 100 200 580
195 - #379 Registeel
80 75 150 50 75 150 580
196 - #380 Latias 80 80 90 110 110 130 600
197 - #381 Latios 80 90 80 110 130 110 600
198 - #382 Kyogre
100 100 90 90 150 140 670
199 - #383 Groudon
100 150 140 90 100 90 670
200 - #384 Rayquaza 105 150 90 95 150 90 680
201 - #385 Jirachi 100 100 100 100 100 100 600
202 - #386 Deoxys
50 150 50 150 150 50 600


pokedex Pokemon

 TMs List and Location in Pokémon Emerald Kaizo

Technical Machines (TMs) in Pokémon Emerald Kaizo are scattered across different locations. The game tweaks the availability and placement of TMs, often requiring players to explore more thoroughly or complete challenging tasks to obtain them.

Here is the list of TMs that can currently be found in the game as well their locations:

TMs List Kanto/ Hoenn


TM Move Type Locations
Kanto/Sevii Hoenn Kanto/Sevii
TM01 - Focus Punch
Focus Punch Fighting Route 115, PickupE (1% chance, lv 71-90) N/A
TM02 - Dragon Claw
Dragon Claw Dragon Meteor Falls N/A
TM03 - Water Pulse
Water Pulse Water Prize for defeating WallaceRS/JuanE N/A
TM04 - Calm Mind
Calm Mind Psychic Prize for defeating Tate and Liza N/A
TM05 - Roar
Roar Normal Route 114 N/A PokémonDollar.png1000
TM06 - Toxic
Toxic Poison Fiery Path N/A
TM07 - Hail
Hail Ice Shoal Cave N/A
TM08 - Bulk Up
Bulk Up Fighting Prize for defeating Brawly N/A
TM09 - Bullet Seed
Bullet Seed Grass Route 104 N/A
TM10 - Hidden Power
Hidden Power Normal Fortree City, Slateport City PokémonDollar.png3000 N/A
TM11 - Sunny Day
Sunny Day Fire Scorched Slab, Trainer HillE N/A
TM12 - Taunt
Taunt Dark Trick House N/A
TM13 - Ice Beam
Ice Beam Ice Abandoned Ship, Mauville Game Corner 4000C
TM14 - Blizzard
Blizzard Ice Lilycove Department Store PokémonDollar.png5500 N/A
TM15 - Hyper Beam
Hyper Beam Normal Lilycove Department Store PokémonDollar.png7500
TM16 - Light Screen
Light Screen Psychic Lilycove Department Store PokémonDollar.png3000 N/A
TM17 - Protect
Protect Normal Lilycove Department Store PokémonDollar.png3000 N/A
TM18 - Rain Dance
Rain Dance Water Abandoned Ship N/A
TM19 - Giga Drain
Giga Drain Grass Route 123, Trainer HillE N/A
TM20 - Safeguard
Safeguard Normal Lilycove Department Store PokémonDollar.png3000 N/A
TM21 - Frustration
Frustration Normal Pacifidlog Town N/A
TM22 - SolarBeam
SolarBeam Grass Safari Zone N/A
TM23 - Iron Tail
Iron Tail Steel Meteor Falls N/A 3500C
TM24 - Thunderbolt
Thunderbolt Electric Gift from Wattson, Mauville Game Corner 4000C
TM25 - Thunder
Thunder Electric Lilycove Department Store PokémonDollar.png5500 N/A
TM26 - Earthquake
Earthquake Ground Seafloor Cavern, PickupE (1% chance, lv 91-100) N/A
TM27 - Return
Return Normal Fallarbor Town, Pacifidlog Town N/A
TM28 - Dig
Dig Ground Route 114 N/A PokémonDollar.png2000
TM29 - Psychic
Psychic Psychic Mauville Game Corner, Victory Road 3500C N/A
TM30 - Shadow Ball
Shadow Ball Ghost Mt. Pyre N/A 4500C
TM31 - Brick Break
Brick Break Fighting Sootopolis City, Trainer HillE N/A PokémonDollar.png3000
TM32 - Double Team
Double Team Normal Route 113, Mauville Game Corner 1500C N/A
TM33 - Reflect
Reflect Psychic Lilycove Department Store PokémonDollar.png3000 N/A
TM34 - Shock Wave
Shock Wave Electric Prize for defeating Wattson N/A
TM35 - Flamethrower
Flamethrower Fire Mauville Game Corner 4000C
TM36 - Sludge Bomb
Sludge Bomb Poison Dewford Town N/A
TM37 - Sandstorm
Sandstorm Rock Route 111 N/A
TM38 - Fire Blast
Fire Blast Fire Lilycove Department Store PokémonDollar.png5500 N/A
TM39 - Rock Tomb
Rock Tomb Rock Prize for defeating Roxanne N/A
TM40 - Aerial Ace
Aerial Ace Flying Prize for defeating Winona N/A
TM41 - Torment
Torment Dark Slateport City N/A
TM42 - Facade
Facade Normal Prize for defeating Norman N/A
TM43 - Secret Power
Secret Power Normal Route 111, Slateport City PokémonDollar.png3000
TM44 - Rest
Rest Psychic Lilycove City, PickupE (1% chance, lv 51-70) N/A
TM45 - Attract
Attract Normal Verdanturf Town N/A PokémonDollar.png3000
TM46 - Thief
Thief Dark Slateport City N/A
TM47 - Steel Wing
Steel Wing Steel Granite Cave N/A
TM48 - Skill Swap
Skill Swap Psychic Mt. Pyre N/A
TM49 - Snatch
Snatch Dark S.S. Tidal N/A
TM50 - Overheat
Overheat Fire Prize for defeating Flannery N/A

































































TM Move Type Locations Price
Colosseum XD Colosseum XD
TM01 - Focus Punch
Focus Punch Fighting Pyrite Colosseum Round 1 Clear Battle CD 21 at Realgam Tower N/A
TM02 - Dragon Claw
Dragon Claw Dragon Deep Colosseum Round 4 Orre Colosseum Round 7 N/A
TM03 - Water Pulse
Water Pulse Water Area 2 of Mt. Battle N/A
TM04 - Calm Mind
Calm Mind Psychic Area 7 of Mt. Battle N/A
TM05 - Roar
Roar Normal Pyrite Colosseum Round 3 Pyrite Colosseum Round 4 N/A
TM06 - Toxic
Toxic Poison Complete Pyrite Colosseum Orre Colosseum Round 1 N/A
TM07 - Hail
Hail Ice Pyrite Colosseum Round 2 N/A
TM08 - Bulk Up
Bulk Up Fighting Area 8 of Mt. Battle N/A
TM09 - Bullet Seed
Bullet Seed Grass Receive from Eagun’s wife Beluh N/A
TM10 - Hidden Power
Hidden Power Normal The Under Shop Realgam Tower PokémonDollar.png3000
TM11 - Sunny Day
Sunny Day Fire Phenac Stadium Round 2 Clear Battle CD 49 at Realgam Tower N/A
TM12 - Taunt
Taunt Dark Deep Colosseum Round 1 Pyrite Colosseum Round 2 N/A
TM13 - Ice Beam
Ice Beam Ice Mt. Battle Phenac City, Mt. Battle 4000PC
TM14 - Blizzard
Blizzard Ice The Under Shop Realgam Tower PokémonDollar.png5500
TM15 - Hyper Beam
Hyper Beam Normal The Under Shop Realgam Tower PokémonDollar.png7500
TM16 - Light Screen
Light Screen Psychic The Under Shop Realgam Tower PokémonDollar.png3000
TM17 - Protect
Protect Normal The Under Shop Realgam Tower PokémonDollar.png3000
TM18 - Rain Dance
Rain Dance Water Phenac Stadium Round 1 Clear Battle CD 50 at Realgam Tower N/A
TM19 - Giga Drain
Giga Drain Grass Phenac Stadium Round 3 Realgam Colosseum Round 3 N/A
TM20 - Safeguard
Safeguard Normal The Under Shop Realgam Tower PokémonDollar.png3000
TM21 - Frustration
Frustration Normal N/A
TM22 - SolarBeam
SolarBeam Grass Phenac Stadium Round 4 Realgam Colosseum Round 4 N/A
TM23 - Iron Tail
Iron Tail Steel Under Colosseum Round 4 Realgam Colosseum Round 3 N/A
TM24 - Thunderbolt
Thunderbolt Electric Mt. Battle Cipher Key Lair, Mt. Battle 4000PC
TM25 - Thunder
Thunder Electric The Under Shop Realgam Tower PokémonDollar.png5500
TM26 - Earthquake
Earthquake Ground Shadow PKMN Lab Cipher Key Lair N/A
TM27 - Return
Return Normal Prize for defeating Justy Orre Colosseum Round 2 N/A
TM28 - Dig
Dig Ground N/A
TM29 - Psychic
Psychic Psychic Mt. Battle Snagem Hideout, Mt. Battle 3500PC
TM30 - Shadow Ball
Shadow Ball Ghost Under Colosseum Round 3 Snagem Hideout, Mt. Battle N/A 4500PC
TM31 - Brick Break
Brick Break Fighting Pyrite Colosseum Round 4 Pyrite Colosseum Round 1 N/A
TM32 - Double Team
Double Team Normal Mt. Battle Prize for defeating Justy 1500PC N/A
TM33 - Reflect
Reflect Psychic The Under Shop Realgam Tower PokémonDollar.png3000
TM34 - Shock Wave
Shock Wave Electric Area 3 of Mt. Battle N/A
TM35 - Flamethrower
Flamethrower Fire Mt. Battle S.S. Libra, Mt. Battle 4000PC
TM36 - Sludge Bomb
Sludge Bomb Poison Under Colosseum Round 2 Orre Colosseum Round 4 N/A
TM37 - Sandstorm
Sandstorm Rock Under Colosseum Round 1 N/A
TM38 - Fire Blast
Fire Blast Fire The Under Shop Realgam Tower PokémonDollar.png5500
TM39 - Rock Tomb
Rock Tomb Rock Area 5 of Mt. Battle N/A
TM40 - Aerial Ace
Aerial Ace Flying Area 9 of Mt. Battle N/A
TM41 - Torment
Torment Dark Rollerboy Kaib in Phenac City Pyrite Colosseum Round 3 N/A
TM42 - Facade
Facade Normal Area 4 of Mt. Battle N/A
TM43 - Secret Power
Secret Power Normal N/A
TM44 - Rest
Rest Psychic Deep Colosseum Round 3 Orre Colosseum Round 5 N/A
TM45 - Attract
Attract Normal The Under Studio Gateon Port N/A
TM46 - Thief
Thief Dark Pyrite Town Jail N/A
TM47 - Steel Wing
Steel Wing Steel Defeat Dakim at Mt. Battle Orre Colosseum Round 6 N/A
TM48 - Skill Swap
Skill Swap Psychic Deep Colosseum Round 2 Orre Colosseum Round 3 N/A
TM49 - Snatch
Snatch Dark Pyrite Cave Realgam Colosseum Round 1 N/A
TM50 - Overheat
Overheat Fire Area 6 of Mt. Battle N/A































































kaizo guide Pokemon

HMs List and Locations Pokémon Emerald Kaizo

Pokémon Emerald Kaizo incorporates Pokémon from multiple generations, blending them into the game’s fabric. This integration adds depth and variety, challenging players to adapt their strategies against a broader range of Pokémon types and abilities.

Here is the list of HMs that can currently be found in the game as well their locations:



HM Move Type Locations Badge
Hoenn Kanto/Sevii Hoenn Kanto
HM01 - Cut
Cut Normal Rustboro City S.S. Anne Stone Badge.png
Stone Badge
Cascade Badge.png
Cascade Badge
HM02 - Fly
Fly Flying Route 119 Route 16 Feather Badge.png
Feather Badge
Thunder Badge.png
Thunder Badge
HM03 - Surf
Surf Water Petalburg City Safari Zone Balance Badge.png
Balance Badge
Soul Badge.png
Soul Badge
HM04 - Strength
Strength Normal Rusturf Tunnel Fuchsia City Heat Badge.png
Heat Badge
Rainbow Badge.png
Rainbow Badge
HM05 - Flash
Flash Normal Granite Cave Route 2 Knuckle Badge.png
Knuckle Badge
Boulder Badge.png
Boulder Badge
HM06 - Rock Smash
Rock Smash Fighting Mauville City Ember Spa Dynamo Badge.png
Dynamo Badge
Marsh Badge.png
Marsh Badge
HM07 - Waterfall
Waterfall Water Cave of OriginRS, Sootopolis CityE Icefall Cave Rain Badge.png
Rain Badge
Volcano Badge.png
Volcano Badge
HM08 - Dive
Dive Water Mossdeep City Mind Badge.png
Mind Badge
hm Pokemon

Gens Involve in Pokémon Emerald Kaizo

Pokémon Emerald Kaizo encompasses Pokémon up to the 3rd generation, featuring species from the Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn regions. This selection includes fan favorites and iconic Pokémon like Charizard, Tyranitar, and Metagross, alongside lesser-known but equally intriguing species. The game’s limitation to the first three generations ensures a nostalgic experience for long-time fans of the franchise, while also maintaining a manageable Pokédex for newcomers.

img Pokemon

The strategic depth is enhanced by this generational cutoff, as players must carefully consider their team composition from a more limited pool of Pokémon, testing their knowledge and adaptability.

Pokémon Emerald Kaizo Wiki

Pokémon Emerald Kaizo stands as an extensively modified version of the classic “Pokémon Emerald,” renowned for its significantly elevated difficulty level. This fan-made hack not only intensifies the challenge but also deeply enriches the gameplay experience. It retains the core storyline set in the Hoenn region, featuring the same characters and locations, but with numerous tweaks and enhancements.

battle Pokemon

Key alterations include a drastically increased difficulty curve, stronger and more strategically adept trainers, and a redesigned Pokémon roster that encourages strategic team building.

What is Pokémon Emerald Kaizo ?

Pokémon Emerald Kaizo is a fan-made hack of the beloved “Pokémon Emerald,” reimagined to offer an exceptionally challenging and engaging experience. This version is tailored for players seeking a formidable adventure, significantly ramping up the difficulty compared to the original game. In “Pokémon Emerald Kaizo,” trainers face more robust opponents, encounter wild Pokémon with higher levels, and grapple with gym leaders and Elite Four members who wield strategically diverse and powerful teams.

raykuaza Pokemon

This hack not only tests players’ mastery of Pokémon battles but also their overall strategic planning and resource management skills. The game maintains the original storyline set in the rich and diverse Hoenn region but with enhanced gameplay dynamics. It presents a carefully curated Pokémon roster from the first three generations, ensuring a balanced yet challenging environment for team building.

Regions on Pokémon Emerald Kaizo: Maps

This unique gaming experience rejuvenates the classic Pokémon universe by integrating the new Hoenn region, never seen before which guarantees you a totally new experience

map Pokemon

Best Pokemons on Pokémon Emerald Kaizo

Do you want a competitive approach? Do you want to be the best at Pokemon Emeral Kaizo? Here we have located some of the best pokemons on this game, whether due to their set of skills, or the sum of their stats, the following ´mons are some of the recommendations that we offer so that you can take your game to another level

Jirachi Jirachi Pokemon
Rayquaza rayquaza Pokemon
groudon Pokemon
Deoxys deoxys Pokemon

Pokémon Emerald Kaizo Gym Leaders and Teams

In Pokémon Emerald Kaizo, the gym leaders are reimagined to present unparalleled challenges, transforming familiar battles into strategic conundrums. Each leader showcases a meticulously curated team, demanding players to employ advanced strategies and a deep understanding of Pokémon types and matchups.

Pokémon Emerald Kaizo Gym Leaders:

Gym Leaders List and Teams
Gym Leaders
Leader Type Location Team


Roxanne Pokemon

Rock Rustboro City Nosepass, Omastar

Brawly Pokemon

Fighting Dewford Town Machamp, Breloom

Wattson Pokemon

Electric Mauville City Magneton, Manectric

Flannery Pokemon

Fire Lavaridge Town Camerupt, Torkoal

Norman Pokemon

Normal Petalburg City Slaking, Vigoroth

Winona Pokemon

Flying Fortree City Skarmory, Altaria
Tate & Liza

Tate & Liza Pokemon

Psychic Mossdeep City Solrock, Lunatone

Wallace Pokemon

Water Sootopolis City Milotic, Whiscash


This heightened difficulty is not just a test of strength but also a cerebral exercise in team composition and battle tactics. From Roxanne’s sturdy Rock-types to Wallace’s graceful Water-types, these gym leaders compel players to think creatively, adapt quickly, and approach each battle with a blend of caution and boldness.

Customized Gameplay ( Randomizer, Nuzlocke, Etc)

Pokémon Emerald Kaizo offers a unique twist to the customizability aspect in the Pokémon series. While the original “Pokémon Emerald” allowed players to engage in activities like Pokémon Contests and Base decorating, Pokémon Emerald Kaizo shifts the focus of customization more towards strategic gameplay elements. This fan-made hack challenges players to rethink their approach to team building and battle strategies due to its enhanced difficulty.

fondo guapo Pokemon

The game’s increased challenge level means players must be more thoughtful and creative in assembling their teams, choosing Pokémon not just based on preference but on strategic suitability against tougher opponents. Moreover, Emerald Kaizo limits the availability of certain Pokémon and items, pushing players to explore unconventional choices and combinations.

Pokémon Emerald Kaizo Cheats

In Pokémon Emerald Kaizo, a notoriously challenging hack of the original game, players often turn to cheats as a means to navigate its heightened difficulty. These cheats, can significantly alter the gameplay experience. One popular cheat allows players to walk through walls, enabling exploration beyond typical boundaries and facilitating access to otherwise unreachable areas

Cheats List
Type Code
Walk through walls (the code has to be entered last and no master code is required) 7881A409 E2026E0C
8E883EFF 92E9660D
Infinite money C051CCF6 975E8DA1
Never miss in battle DF5CCB074CC8
No random battles B505DB41 6E39EA4E
Have all Pokéballs 085938BB 99FF313D
2DAFD739 5D796510
Have all master balls (No master code required) 958D8046 A7151D70
8BB602F7 8CEB681A
Have All TMs/HMs C6511EC5 0F15C8E0
4689920D 5CFF6FFE
8631B929 014933DF
10257B84 3365249C

Another widely used cheat is for infinite money, providing players with unlimited resources to purchase items, Pokéballs, and other essentials. The ‘never miss in battle’ cheat is a game-changer for many, ensuring every attack hits its target, a boon in this version’s intense battles.

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Pokémon Emerald Kaizo Walkthrough

Discuss how these changes influence the overall gameplay experience, strategy formulation, and team building in Emerald Kaizo. Highlight the creative and strategic opportunities these modifications present to players.

Join us on this exciting journey and master Pokemon Emerald Kaizo with ease. Start your adventure now and discover the wonders of Tandor!

Pokémon Emerald Kaizo Discord Community

Join the largest Pokemon Emerald Kaizo community in the world, you will be able to learn, new Metas, the latest updates, friends, bugs, and everything related to the world of Pokemon Emerald Kaizo.

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