Pokémon Uranium

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Embark on an unprecedented journey with Pokémon Uranium, a remarkable fan-made addition to the Pokémon universe. This game, crafted over nine years by dedicated fans, offers a unique narrative set in the diverse Tandor region. Ready to explore this new world? Download Pokémon Uranium today and immerse yourself in its rich storyline and innovative features, including new Pokémon types and environmental themes. Experience the creativity and passion that has made Pokémon Uranium a standout in the community.

Pokemon Uranium

Uranium intro Pokemon

Game: Pokemon Uranium
Developer: JV
Release Year:  2016
Last Updated: May (2023)
Version: 1.2.5
Language: English
Type: Fan-made

Download Pokemon Uranium ROM

Pokemon Uranium game is available to download and play on Android, Windows, Mac, and iPhone. You can play and download latest version of Pokemon Uranium ROM on different devices by following the instructions below:

Download for PC – 1


Download for PC – 2

Game: Pokemon Uranium
Developer: JV
Release Year:  2016
Last Updated: May (2023)
Version: 1.2.5
Language: English
Type: Fan-made

Pokemon Uranium Pokedex


The exclusive Pokédex of Pokémon Uranium, a standout fan-made game that redefines the Pokémon universe. This unique Pokédex, a treasure trove for Pokémon enthusiasts, features over 150 original Pokémon, blending nostalgia with innovation. Discover Pokémon with new types, such as the intriguing Nuclear type, only in Pokémon Uranium. These species offer fresh challenges and exciting gameplay, making it a must-try for fans and newcomers alike. Each Pokémon in this expansive Pokédex is designed with creativity and care, ensuring a deeply engaging experience.

Dex # Gif/Image Pokémon Type 1 Type 2
#001 Orchynx Orchynx
Grass Steel
#002 Metalynx Metalynx
Grass Steel
#003 Raptorch Raptorch
Fire Ground
#004 Archilles Archilles
Fire Ground
#005 Eletux Eletux
Water Electric
#006 Electruxo Electruxo
Water Electric
#007 Chyinmunk Chyinmunk
Normal Normal
#008 Kinetmunk Kinetmunk
Normal Electric
#009 Birbie Birbie
Normal Flying
#010 Aveden Aveden
Normal Flying
#011 Splendifowl Splendifowl
Normal Flying
#012 Cubbug Cubbug
Bug Bug
#013 Cubblfly Cubblfly
Bug Fairy
#014 Nimflora Nimflora
Bug Fairy
#015 Barewl Barewl
Steel Rock
#016 Dearewl Dearewl
Steel Rock
#017 Gararewl Gararewl
Steel Steel
#018 Grozard Grozard
Ground Ground
#019 Terlard Terlard
Ground Dragon
#020 Tonemy Tonemy
Poison Poison
#021 Tofurang Tofurang
Poison Poison
#022 Dunsparce Dunsparce
Normal Normal
#023 Dunseraph Dunseraph
Dragon Flying
#024 Fortog Fortog
Water Poison
#025 Folerog Folerog
Water Poison
#026 Blubelrog Blubelrog
Water Poison
#027 Magikarp Magikarp
Water Water
#028 Gyarados Gyarados
Water Flying
#029 Feleng Feleng
Normal Normal
#030 Felunge Felunge
Normal Normal
#031 Feliger Feliger
Normal Normal
#032 Mankey Mankey
Fighting Fighting
#033 Primeape Primeape
Fighting Fighting
#034 Empirilla Empirilla
Fighting Fighting
#035 Owten Owten
Normal Flying
#036 Eshouten Eshouten
Normal Flying
#037 Lotad Lotad
Water Grass
#038 Lombre Lombre
Water Grass
#039 Ludicolo Ludicolo
Water Grass
#040 Smore Smore
Bug Bug
#041 Firoke Firoke
Bug Fire
#042 Brailip Brailip
Water Psychic
#043 Brainoar Brainoar
Water Psychic
#044 Ekans Ekans
Poison Poison
#045 Arbok Arbok
Poison Poison
#046 Tancoon Tancoon
Dark Normal
#047 Tanscure Tanscure
Dark Normal
#048 Sponee Sponee
Bug Bug
#049 Sponaree Sponaree
Bug Water
#050 Pahar Pahar
Fire Flying
#051 Palij Palij
Fire Flying
#052 Pajay Pajay
Fire Flying
#053 Jerbolta Jerbolta
Electric Ground
#054 Comite Comite
Rock Rock
#055 Cometeor Cometeor
Rock Psychic
#056 Astronite Astronite
Rock Psychic
#057 Mareep Mareep
Electric Electric
#058 Flaaffy Flaaffy
Electric Electric
#059 Ampharos Ampharos
Electric Electric
#060 Baashaun Baashaun
Dark Fighting
#061 Baaschaf Baaschaf
Dark Fighting
#062 Baariette Baariette
Dark Fighting
#063 Tricwe Tricwe
Bug Bug
#064 Harylect Harylect
Bug Electric
#065 Costraw Costraw
Poison Psychic
#066 Trawpint Trawpint
Poison Psychic
#067 Lunapup Lunapup
Ground Fighting
#068 Herolune Herolune
Ground Fighting
#069 Minyan Minyan
Dark Poison
#070 Vilucard Vilucard
Dark Poison
#071 Buizel Buizel
Water Water
#072 Floatzel Floatzel
Water Water
#073 Modrille Modrille
Ground Dark
#074 Drilgann Drilgann
Ground Dark
#075 Gligar Gligar
Ground Flying
#076 Gliscor Gliscor
Ground Flying
#077 Sableye Sableye
Dark Ghost
#078 Cocaran Cocaran
Grass Ground
#079 Cararalm Cararalm
Grass Ground
#080 Cocancer Cocancer
Grass Ground
#081 Corsola Corsola
Water Rock
#082 Corsoreef Corsoreef
Water Rock
#083 Tubjaw Tubjaw
Water Dark
#084 Tubareel Tubareel
Water Dark
#085 Cassnail Cassnail
Ground Water
#086 Sableau Sableau
Ground Water
#087 Escartress Escartress
Ground Water
#088 Nupin Nupin
Grass Electric
#089 Gellin Gellin
Grass Electric
#090 Cottonee Cottonee
Grass Fairy
#091 Whimsicott Whimsicott
Grass Fairy
#092 Misdreavus Misdreavus
Ghost Ghost
#093 Mismagius Mismagius
Ghost Ghost
#094 Barand Barand
Dragon Dragon
#095 Glaslug Glaslug
Water Ice
#096 Glavinug Glavinug
Water Ice
#097 S51 S51
Psychic Steel
#098 S51-A S51-A
Psychic Steel
#099 Paraudio Paraudio
Normal Psychic
#100 Paraboom Paraboom
Normal Psychic
#101 Flager Flager
Fire Fire
#102 Inflagetah Inflagetah
Fire Fire
#103 Chimical Chimical
Fire Poison
#104 Chimaconda Chimaconda
Fire Poison
#105 Tikiki Tikiki
Grass Grass
#106 Frikitiki Frikitiki
Grass Fire
#107 Unymph Unymph
Bug Bug
#108 Harptera Harptera
Bug Flying
#109 Chicoatl Chicoatl
Grass Grass
#110 Quetzoral Quetzoral
Grass Flying
#111 Coatlith Coatlith
Grass Dragon
#112 Tracton Tracton
Dragon Steel
#113 Snopach Snopach
Ice Rock
#114 Dermafrost Dermafrost
Ice Rock
#115 Slothohm Slothohm
Electric Rock
#116 Theriamp Theriamp
Electric Rock
#117 Titanice Titanice
Ice Ice
#118 Frynai Frynai
Water Steel
#119 Saidine Saidine
Water Steel
#120 Daikatuna Daikatuna
Water Steel
#121 Selkid Selkid
Water Fairy
#122 Syrentide Syrentide
Water Fairy
#123 Spritzee Spritzee
Fairy Fairy
#124 Aromatisse Aromatisse
Fairy Fairy
#125 Miasmedic Miasmedic
Fairy Poison
#126 Jackdeary Jackdeary
Fairy Fighting
#127 Winotinger Winotinger
Fairy Fighting
#128 Duplicat Duplicat
Normal Normal
#129 Eevee Eevee
Normal Normal
#130 Vaporeon Vaporeon
Water Water
#131 Jolteon Jolteon
Electric Electric
#132 Flareon Flareon
Fire Fire
#133 Espeon Espeon
Psychic Psychic
#134 Umbreon Umbreon
Dark Dark
#135 Leafeon Leafeon
Grass Grass
#136 Glaceon Glaceon
Ice Ice
#137 Sylveon Sylveon
Fairy Fairy
#138 Nucleon Nucleon
Nuclear Nuclear
#139 Ratsy Ratsy
Dark Dark
#140 Raffiti Raffiti
Dark Dark
#141 Gargryph Gargryph
Rock Rock
#142 Masking Masking
Psychic Psychic
#143 Dramsama Dramsama
Psychic Ghost
#144 Antarki Antarki
Ghost Fire
#145 Chupacho Chupacho
Poison Poison
#146 Luchabra Luchabra
Poison Fighting
#147 Linkite Linkite
Ghost Ghost
#148 Chainite Chainite
Ghost Dark
#149 Pufluff Pufluff
Ice Fairy
#150 Alpico Alpico
Ice Fairy
#151 Anderind Anderind
Ice Ground
#152 Colarva Colarva
Bug Ice
#153 Frosulo Frosulo
Bug Ice
#154 Frosthra Frosthra
Bug Ice
#155 Fafurr Fafurr
Ice Dragon
#156 Fafninter Fafninter
Ice Dragon
#157 Shrimputy Shrimputy
Water Fire
#158 Krilvolver Krilvolver
Water Fire
#159 Lavent Lavent
Fire Dragon
#160 Swabone Swabone
Ghost Fighting
#161 Skelerogue Skelerogue
Ghost Fighting
#162 Navighast Navighast
Ghost Fighting
#163 Stenowatt Stenowatt
Electric Electric
#164 Jungore Jungore
Fighting Rock
#165 Majungold Majungold
Fighting Rock
#166 Hagoop Hagoop
Poison Electric
#167 Haagross Haagross
Poison Electric
#168 Xenomite Xenomite
Nuclear Nuclear
#169 Xenogen Xenogen
Nuclear Nuclear
#170 Xenoqueen Xenoqueen
Nuclear Nuclear
#171 Hazma Hazma
Nuclear Nuclear
#172 Geigeroach Geigeroach
Bug Nuclear
#173 Minicorn Minicorn
Fairy Normal
#174 Kiricorn Kiricorn
Fairy Normal
#175 Oblivicorn Oblivicorn
Fairy Dark
#176 Luxi Luxi
Dragon Fairy
#177 Luxor Luxor
Dragon Fairy
#178 Luxelong Luxelong
Dragon Fairy
#179 Praseopunk Praseopunk
Psychic Electric
#180 Neopunk Neopunk
Psychic Electric
#181 Sheebit Sheebit
Ground Ground
#182 Terrabbit Terrabbit
Ground Ground
#183 Laissure Laissure
Ground Ground
#184 Volchik Volchik
Electric Flying
#185 Voltasu Voltasu
Electric Flying
#186 Yatagaryu Yatagaryu
Electric Dragon
#187 Devimp Devimp
Fire Dark
#188 Fallengel Fallengel
Fire Dark
#189 Beliaddon Beliaddon
Fire Dark
#190 Seikamater Seikamater
Bug Normal
#191 Garlikid Garlikid
Grass Fighting
#192 Baitatao Baitatao
Water Fire
#193 Leviathao Leviathao
Water Ice
#194 Krakanao Krakanao
Water Dark
#195 Lanthan Lanthan
Ground Steel
#196 Actan Actan
Dark Steel
#197 Urayne Urayne
Nuclear Nuclear
#198 Aotius Aotius
Flying Fire
#199 Mutios Mutios
Ghost Water
#200 Zephy Zephy
Electric Ice


pokedex Pokemon

 TMs List and Location in Pokemon Uranium

Here is the list of TMs that can currently be found in the game as well their locations:

TMs List
 TM  Move  Type  Cat.  Pwr.  Acc.  PP  Location  Price
TMFighting TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100% 20 Route 07
TMDragon TM02 Dragon Claw Dragon Physical 80 100% 15 Route 13
TMWater TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100% 20 Bealbeach City Gym
TMPsychic TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status 20 Route 15
TMNormal TM05 Roar Normal Status 20 Legen Town
TMPoison TM06 Toxic Poison Status —- 90% 10 Amatree Town and Venesi City
TMIce TM07 Hail Ice Status 10 Beachside Resort and Casino 3000Bag 100 Coins Sprite
TMFighting TM08 Bulk Up Fighting Status 20 Route 4
TMGrass TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 25 100% 30 Route 8
TMNormal TM10 Hidden Power Special 60 100% 15 Route 4
TMFire TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status 5 Route 7
TMDark TM12 Taunt Dark Status 100% 20 Tsukinami Village Gym
TMIce TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 90 100% 10 Lanthanite Cave
TMIce TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 110 70% 5 Bealbeach Dept. Store Pokémon_Dollar55000
TMNormal TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90% 5 Bealbeach Dept. Store Pokémon_Dollar75000
TMPsychic TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status 30 Bealbeach Dept. Store Pokémon_Dollar20000
TMNormal TM17 Protect Normal Status 10 Bealbeach Dept. Store Pokémon_Dollar20000
TMWater TM18 Rain Dance Water Status 5 Route 14
TMGrass TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 75 100% 10 Route 3
TMNormal TM20 Safeguard Normal Status 25 Bealbeach Dept. Store Pokémon_Dollar20000
TMNormal TM21 Frustration Normal Physical Varies 100% 20 Comet Cave
TMGrass TM22 Solar Beam Grass Special 120 100% 10 Tsukinami Village Gym
TMSteel TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75% 15 Victory Road
TMElectric TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 90 100% 15 Route 15
TMElectric TM25 Thunder Electric Special 110 70% 10 Bealbeach Dept. Store Pokémon_Dollar55000
TMGround TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100% 10 Victory Road
TMNormal TM27 Return Normal Physical Varies 100% 20 Nowtoch City Gym
TMGround TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100% 10 Route 8
TMPsychic TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100% 10 Lanthanite Core
TMGhost TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100% 15 The Labyrinth
TMFighting TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100% 15 Burole Town Gym
TMNormal TM32 Double Team Normal Status 15 Tandor Luxury Cruise
TMPsychic TM33 Reflect Psychic Status 20 Bealbeach Dept. Store Pokémon_Dollar20000
TMElectric TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 20 Bealbeach City and Route 12
TMFire TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 90 100% 15 Victory Road
TMPoison TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100% 10 Comet Cave
TMRock TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status 10 Victory Road
TMFire TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 110 85% 5 Bealbeach Dept. Store Pokémon_Dollar55000
TMRock TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 60 95% 15 Comet Cave
TMFlying TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 20 Route 6
TMDark TM41 Torment Dark Status 100% 15 Route 6
TMNormal TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100% 20 Route 4
TMNormal TM43 Secret Power Physical 70 100% 20 Route 6
TMPsychic TM44 Rest Psychic Status 10 Route 8
TMNormal TM45 Attract Normal Status 100% 15 Nowtoch City
TMDark TM46 Thief Dark Physical 60 100% 25 Bealbeach City
TMSteel TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90% 25 Route 9
TMPsychic TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status 10 Route 9
TMDark TM49 Snatch Dark Status 10 Route 3
TMFire TM50 Overheat Fire Special 130 90% 5 Amatree Town Gym
TMFlying TM51 Roost Flying Status 10 Route 10
TMFighting TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70% 5 Bealbeach Dept. Store Pokémon_Dollar55000
TMGrass TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 90 100% 10 Route 10
TMNormal TM54 False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100% 40 Bealbeach Dept. Store Pokémon_Dollar20000
TMWater TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100% 10 Route 14
TMDark TM56 Fling Dark Physical Varies 100% 10 Amatree Town
TMElectric TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90% 10 Route 12
TMNormal TM58 Endure Normal Status 10 Route 14
TMDragon TM59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 85 100% 10 Victory Road
TMFighting TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 75 100% 10 Route 15
TMFire TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status 85% 15 Route 11
TMBug TM62 Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100% 5 Route 5
TMDark TM63 Embargo Dark Status 100% 15 Venesi City
TMNormal TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100% 5 The Labyrinth
TMGhost TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100% 15 The Labyrinth
TMDark TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100% 10 Route 15
TMNormal TM67 Recycle Normal Status 10 Route 6
TMNormal TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90% 5 Bealbeach Dept. Store Pokémon_Dollar75000
TMRock TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status 20 Silverport Town
TMNormal TM70 Flash Normal Status 100% 20 Bealbeach Dept. Store Pokémon_Dollar10000
TMRock TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80% 5 Victory Road
TMIce TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100% 10 Lanthanite Cave
TMElectric TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status 100% 20 Victory Road
TMSteel TM74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical Varies 100% 5 Vinoville Town Gym
TMNormal TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status 20 Lanthanite Cave
TMRock TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status 20 Passage Cave
TMNormal TM77 Psych Up Normal Status 10 Route 16
TMNormal TM78 Captivate Normal Status 100% 20 Route 2
TMDark TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100% 15 Legen Town
TMRock TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90% 10 Route 9
TMBug TM81 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100% 15 Victory Road
TMNormal TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status 10 Vinoville Town
TMNormal TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical Varies 100% 15 Bealbeach Dept. Store Pokémon_Dollar20000
TMPoison TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100% 20 Route 14
TMPsychic TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100% 15 Route 16
TMGrass TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special Varies 100% 20 Victory Road
TMNormal TM87 Swagger Normal Status 90% 15 Route 13
TMFlying TM88 Pluck Flying Physical 60 100% 20 Snowbank Town
TMBug TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100% 20 Moki Town
TMNormal TM90 Substitute Normal Status 10 Moki Town and Victory Road
TMSteel TM91 Flash Cannon Steel Special 80 100% 10 Nuclear Plant Zeta
TMPsychic TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status 5 Venesi City Gym
TMBug TM93 Infestation Bug Physical 20 100% 20 Anthell
TMFairy TM94 Dazzling Gleam Fairy Special 80 00% 10 Venesi City
TMDragon TM95 Caustic Breath Dragon Special 60 100% 10 Snowbank Town Gym
TMWater TM96 Coral Break Water Special 80 95% 15 Route 14
TMNormal TM97 Super Fang Normal Physical Varies 90% 10 Route 14
TMNormal TM98 Last Resort Normal Physical 140 100% 5 Tsukinami Village
TMNormal TM99 Endeavor Normal Physical 100% 5 Victory Road
TMPsychic TM100 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90% 15 Lanthanite Core

batalla Pokemon

HMs List and Locations Pokemon Uranium

Here is the list of HMs that can currently be found in the game as well their locations:

HMs List
Image HM Move Type Cat. Pwr. Acc. PP Location Price
TMFlying HM02 Fly Flying Physical 90 95% 15 Nuclear Plant Omicron
TMWater HM03 Surf Water Special 90 100% 15 Route 10
TMNormal HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100% 15 Legen Town
TMFighting HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100% 15 Nowtoch City
TMWater HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100% 15 Moki Town
TMWater HM08 Dive Water Physical 80 100% 10  Snowbank Town


hm Pokemon

Gens Involve in Pokemon Uranium

As can be seen in the pokedex, one of the main attractions of Pokemon Uranium is that it is not defined by the generations of pokemon used, as there are many new unique pokemon in this game that are not canonical or appear in the manga or anime, they are original mutations of the story that unfolds in the game, eventho it has untill Gen 5 pokemons, so you will have the Special split after Gen 4, and Fairy type. Take advantage and be the first to study them and catch them all.

random Pokemon

Pokemon Uranium Wiki

Embark on an unparalleled journey in the world of Pokémon with the fan-created phenomenon, Pokémon Uranium. This unofficial masterpiece has captivated gamers globally, offering a unique blend of classic Pokémon elements with innovative new features. As a standout in fan-made gaming, Pokémon Uranium takes you through the rich, nuclear-themed region of Tandor, where you’ll encounter over 150 original Pokémon species.

pokedex foto Pokemon

Despite not being an official Pokémon release, ‘Pokémon Uranium’ has garnered a dedicated fanbase, praising its creativity and depth. It’s a must-play for enthusiasts, offering a distinct and immersive Pokémon adventure.

What is Pokemon Uranium ?

Dive deep into the lore of Tandor, where the shadow of a nuclear disaster looms and discover new types of Pokémon, each with its unique abilities and aesthetics. Pokémon Uranium is more than just a game; it’s a testament to the enduring love and creativity of the Pokémon community. This game offers a fresh narrative, challenging gameplay, and the thrill of exploring a world with a compelling story.

pokemon Pokemon

Whether you’re a seasoned Pokémon trainer or new to the series, Pokémon Uranium provides an exciting, in-depth gaming experience. With its engaging storyline, strategic battles, and the introduction of a brand new ‘Nuclear’ Pokémon type, this game is a must-play for fans.

Regions on Pokemon Uranium: Maps

This unique gaming experience rejuvenates the classic Pokémon universe by integrating the new original Tandors region, never seen before which guarantees you a totally new experience

mapa uranium Pokemon

Best Pokemons on Pokemon Uranium

Do you want a competitive approach? Do you want to be the best at Pokemon uranium? Here we have located some of the best pokemons on this game, whether due to their set of skills, or the sum of their stats, the following ´mons are some of the recommendations that we offer so that you can take your game to another level

Urayne urayne pokemon Pokemon
Mutios   mutios pokemon Pokemon
Leviathao pokemon Pokemon
Aotius aotius pokemon Pokemon

Pokemon Uranium Gym Leaders and Teams

Delve into the captivating world of Pokémon Uranium, a fan-made sensation, and meet its array of unique Gym Leaders, each presenting a thrilling challenge for Pokémon trainers. Unlike any official Pokémon game, ‘Pokémon Uranium’ introduces players to a new region, Tandor, where Gym Leaders boast a mix of classic and newly introduced Pokémon types.

From the Normal-type expertise of Maria in Nowtoch City to the unparalleled mastery of Vaeryn in Snowbank Town, who specializes in Ice and Dragon types, each leader offers a distinct battle experience. These leaders not only test your strategy and skill but also contribute to an engaging storyline, deepening your connection to Tandor’s world.

Pokemon Uranium Gym Leaders:

Gym Leaders List and Teams
Gym Leader Location Type Pokémons Badge
VSMaria1 Pokemon
Nowtoch City Gym Normal-type Pokémon Feleng (Lv.10)

feleng Pokemon

Felunge (Lv.12)

Felunge Pokemon

Spritzee (Lv.10)

Spritzee Pokemon

Normal Badge
VSDavern 2 Pokemon
Burole Town Gym Cave-dwelling Pokémon Modrille (Lv.15)

Modrille Pokemon

Dearewl (Lv.15)

Dearewl Pokemon

Tofurang (Lv.17)

Tofurang Pokemon

Bright Gem Badge
VSCali 3 Pokemon
Bealbeach City Gym Beach-dwelling Pokémon Tubareel (Lv.23)

Tubareel Pokemon

Brainoar (Lv.24)

Brainoar Pokemon

Glavinug (Lv.22)

Glavinug Pokemon

Tide Badge
VSSheldon 4 Pokemon
Vinoville Town Gym Steel-type Pokémon Tracton (Lv.29)

Tracton Pokemon

Sableye (Lv.28)

Sableye Pokemon

Cometeor (Lv.27)

Cometeor Pokemon

Pixel Badge
VSTiko 5 Pokemon
Amatree Town Gym Fire-type Pokémon Palij (Lv.33)

Palij Pokemon

Pajay (Lv.34)

Pajay Pokemon

Chimical (Lv.32)

Chimical Pokemon

Salsa Badge
VSRosalind 6 Pokemon
Venesi City Gym Illusion-based Pokémon Masquerain (Lv.38)

Masquerain Pokemon

Dramsama (Lv.39)

Dramsama Pokemon

Mimikyu (Lv.37)

Mimikyu Pokemon

Drama Badge
VSVaeryn 7 Pokemon
Snowbank Town Gym Ice and Dragon-type Pokémon Fafurr (Lv.43)

Fafurr Pokemon

Fafninter (Lv.44)

Fafninter Pokemon

Frosthra (Lv.42)

Frosthra Pokemon

Apex Badge
VSHinata 8 Pokemon
Tsukinami Village Gym Day-themed Pokémon Harptera (Lv.48)

Harptera Pokemon

Pajay (Lv.47)

Pajay Pokemon

Chimaconda (Lv.49)

Chimaconda Pokemon

Zen Badge
VSKaito 9 Pokemon
Tsukinami Village Gym Night-themed Pokémon Luxi (Lv.51)

Luxi Pokemon

Luxor (Lv.52)

Luxor Pokemon

Luxelong (Lv.53)

Luxelong Pokemon

Zen Badge


The Gym Leaders in Pokémon Uranium are creatively designed, featuring unique personalities and challenging tactics that keep players on the edge of their seats. As you progress, the battles intensify, pushing you to refine your strategy and grow alongside your Pokémon.

Customized Gameplay ( Randomizer, Nuzlocke, Etc)

Pokémon Uranium elevates the Pokémon gaming experience with its exceptional customization options, setting it apart from mainstream titles. This fan-made game allows players to personalize their adventure in the Tandor region to an unprecedented degree. From choosing character appearances to selecting unique starter Pokémon, each decision molds a distinct journey.

team Pokemon

The game introduces innovative features like a custom Pokédex and the ability to alter Pokémon natures, offering more control over gameplay strategies. The inclusion of original Pokémon, alongside customizable movesets, ensures every battle is a unique challenge.

Pokemon Uranium Cheats

The cheats in Pokemon Uranium are the same types of cheats that you can get in various pokemon games, but being a fan-game, is a little different the way they should be introduced, below you can find a step by step video with the appropriate links to make them all one by one.

While delving into these shortcuts, you unveil a hidden world within the Tandor region, where possibilities extend beyond the standard gameplay. For those daring to explore this shadowy aspect, cheats can be a game-changer.

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Pokemon Uranium Walkthrough

Discuss how these changes influence the overall gameplay experience, strategy formulation, and team building in Pokémon Uranium. Highlight the creative and strategic opportunities these modifications present to players.

Join us on this exciting journey and master Pokémon Uranium with ease. Start your adventure now and discover the wonders of Tandor!

Pokemon Uranium Discord Community

Join the largest Pokemon Uranium community in the world, you will be able to learn, new Metas, the latest updates, friends, bugs, and everything related to the world of Pokemon uranium

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